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Cyclist should pay Road Tax

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So you are totally against band A vehicles like a BMW i3 not having to pay any VED.


Listen ... all I am saying is if you are on anything other than your legs pay tax and insurance.


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 00:23 ----------


Do a youtube on the damage caused by bicycles and mobility scooters... Some funny some not. They need to pay tax and insurance if said vehicle travels faster than walking speed. Just my opinion.

Edited by David Mckee
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Listen ... all I am saying is if you are on anything other than your legs pay tax and insurance.


So you do think all motor vehicles that are VED band A should not be on the road.


What does tax have to do with how much damage a vehicle, bike, mobility scooter does.

Edited by DYKWIA
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So you do think all motor vehicles that are VED band A should not be on the road.


What does road tax have to do with how much damage a vechicle does.


Just like when you were at school and the teacher said ... Read , Read and read again until you understand.


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 00:28 ----------


What does road tax have to do with how much damage a vechicle does..... ?!?! Read again ........ Others get it.


Let me help you .... Insurance pays when you crash your bicycle into a car etc... Tax helps pay for the road you drive your bicycle , mobility scooter on. Only you DONT But should!

Edited by David Mckee
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Just like when you were at school and the teacher said ... Read , Read and read again until you understand.


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 00:28 ----------


What does road tax have to do with how much damage a vechicle does..... ?!?! Read again ........ Others get it.


Some may say bicycles should have insurance but road tax / VED has absolutely nothing to do with how much damage something causes.


I'm sure a band A vehicle can cause as much damage as a band M vehicle yet they both pay 2 totally different amounts of tax.

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Some may say bicycles should have insurance but road tax / VED has absolutely nothing to do with how much damage something causes.


I'm sure a band A vehicle can cause as much damage as a band M vehicle yet they both pay 2 totally different amounts of tax.


I think we are on the same page of the book but you don't get it!?

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Stated in a earlier post band A vechicles pay £0.00, bicycles would fall into this category.


It needs to be sorted. Being hit by a bicycle doing an average of 30 mph more than hurts. Just as much as a mobility scooter going 8 MPH



What needs to be sorted, tax bands for road users ? What has a bike hitting you at 30mph and it hurting have to do with how much tax the user should pay to use the road. Almost sounds like you are saying tax should be based on how much something hurts when it hits you.

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What needs to be sorted, tax bands for road users ? What has a bike hitting you at 30mph and it hurting have to do with how much tax the user should pay to use the road. Almost sounds like you are saying tax should be based on how much something hurts when it hits you.


You are confusing my TAX Comment on my insurance comment.

TAX pays for road maintenance , Insurance pays for injury... That is me keeping it simple black and white.

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You are confusing my TAX Comment on my insurance comment.


Maybe I am but your reply to DYKWIA's post, who in turn was commenting on my 1st post in the thread was " it needs to be sorted " what needs to be sorted because DYKWIA's post had nothing to do with insurance and everything to do with the amount of tax / V.E.D a band A vehicle pays. So your reply suggest you think the amount of duty paid needs to be sorted.


Bicycles shouldn't have to pay a tax / duty to use the road just like a band A vehicle. Insurance for bicycles is a whole new can of worms to open for discussion

Edited by dvp82
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The roads are full of potholes dangerous for both car and bicycle ... Road TAX pays to sort that ( bicycles don't contribute ).... Insurance pays to sort car damage etc when a mobility scooter, bicycle crashes into a pedestrian or a vehicle. Like a Car owner they should pay TAX AND INSURANCE.


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 01:16 ----------


I was pedaling to work and almost killed myself with the amount of potholes on the road. ... Then pay TAX like the rest to sort it!!!


As a car driver why should I pay for a nice new smooth road for you to cycle on with my tax money? If you and I use the road we should both pay? NO?

Edited by David Mckee
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