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The face of an internet troll

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Just read quite an interesting article about one of Kate & Gerry McCann internet tormentors.




Probably a bit of a leftfield question but I just wondered if you think she is going to be treated any differently by her neighbours now her secret is out of the bag. And say if she lived on your street, and you had previously said good morning, or whatever, would you still do so knowing that she had tormented the MaCanns?

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I pity internet abusers like this, a lot can be summed up about their life if they get joy from such things...


Once and just once I said something really personal and hurtful online and regretted it since. Would I have said it to their face no, and it really made my question myself and never done it since.

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I think what she said has elements of truth to it tbh. Although obviously libel/slander laws mean that she should not have posted it on Twitter, obviously. She will probably be forgotten about fairly quickly, just like the "cat in bin woman" from several years ago.


Not by her neighbours for a long time I don't think....She'll keep the local curtain twitchers in gossip for years to come. Mind you I wouldn't want to cross her, one dirty look from her & she turn you to stone :hihi:

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She will probably be forgotten about fairly quickly, just like the "cat in bin woman" from several years ago.


The McCann's have a pretty formidable record when it comes to going after people slandering them in public.


If that womans comments are as bad as has been made out then she should really start to panic.

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