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The face of an internet troll

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Neither. What is mad are lifeless souls like yourself, trolling families by twitching curtains because your life is empty. What is it with you people that you have to endlessly drive home a point on a continuous basis, as though you are some sort of philosophical messiah excreting the word "neglect" as though you've just discovered it?


Wow, it actually took me to mention perp to distract you from spitting fire and brimstone towards a family who's lost a child.

As for "dead", "Gonads" and "hung". Any topic, I generally tend to associate these with Uber trolls.


I did, you obviously have a problem with that, but in reality that isn't likely to happen with morons without a life who's rectum is so constricted they walk funny and have an equally high pitched voice.


Of course it's beyond you..if you weren't to busy twitching your curtains you'd have recognized the metaphor. Ok expecting you to recognize something may be a tad too exceptional.


Good for you..maybe if you stopped harassing families you'd be a better example by being with them more.


---------- Post added 08-10-2014 at 05:10 ----------



What differing opinion? ..you've only made 4 posts on here out of a total of 15..one of them is already an attack on moderation. Let's all play guess who the troll is in a previous persona huh?


Not a real answer to the fact that I put,just the ramblings of an infirm mind,I have a nice life thanks.Your "metaphors" show your ignorance again.However the rape of young girls is anything to do with leaving kids home alone I do not know,leave the drink alone for a bit,your mind could improve.

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