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British Bill of Rights - what do you want in it

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I agree with you. I would vote for an isolationist Presidential candidate if such a candidate runs on the 2016 ticket. The US has depleted it's wealth fighting wars all over the place since 1945, it's youth lying in graves all over Europe from 2 world wars. It is time to start taking care of Americans at home and there are plenty of deserving cases.


The military industrial complex needs to be gradually replaced by one focused entirely on domestic high tech and industrial production, a return to jobs being kept within the country instead of being farmed out to such as China.


All the US needs is a high tech defence system and with enough power to quickly knock out any country which would try to harm it.


In raw materials and oil the US is completely self sufficient and in conjunction with Canada, it's biggest trading partner it needs nothing from the rest of the world.


That's how I wish it would be but sadly after 70 years it's been tied to the apron strings of Europe, South Korea and Japan and there' doesn't seem to be any prospect of getting rid of it.


The western Euro countries and now the former Soviet bloc countries look to the US to take the lead whenever a threat to peace occurs. The EU should be capable of forming it's own defence force. I don't see why the US should so frequently be at loggerheads with Russia . Ukraine is not our problem. If it's a problem for the rest of Europe then let them deal with it


If there is widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo in the UK then elect radicals who would push for a new form of government. So long as these radicals are not just a bunch of unrealistic idiots it would be a first step in gradually over time transferring power away from what you call the Elite.


I see a problem already though. It's not in the English psych to actively push for radical change. They just like to sit around and complain instead


I agree with you about the nature of the English psyche. I'm not so much in agreement with you about the self sufficiency of the USA though. The links I have posted seem to tell a different story.




I was also under the impression that the USA already had a high tech defence system and means at its disposal to knock out any country that poses a threat. How "quickly" is perhaps a moot point.


If I have it wrong I'm sure you will be able to correct me.

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I agree with you about the nature of the English psyche. I'm not so much in agreement with you about the self sufficiency of the USA though. The links I have posted seem to tell a different story.




I was also under the impression that the USA already had a high tech defence system and means at its disposal to knock out any country that poses a threat. How "quickly" is perhaps a moot point.


If I have it wrong I'm sure you will be able to correct me.


Or perhaps on the other hand the great majority of people in the UK are satisfied/happy with the status quo and we hear only from the dissatisfied minority.


The US is now drilling and exporting more oil than ever, gas prices are dropping at the pump, in some states below two dollars a gal., the first time in years and there is an unlimited supply of natural gas.


The Canadian western Provinces do more trade with the US western States than they do with the rest of Canada. I would hope that one day there could be some kind of political union between the US and Canada. Twenty years ago this would have been laughed off as unthinkable but times and attitudes are changing.


The costs for university and college educations are becoming more and more expensive and in many cases students find themselves tied up for years paying back the loans they had to take out. This should not be. The costs to fire off missiles at ISIS cost millions of dollars a day.... literally... and we are stuck in a war in that part of the world that could take years to win.


We need to focus on education and domestic well being, attract the brightest and best of immigrants and withdraw from foreign conflicts. We cant solve the worlds problems

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Or perhaps on the other hand the great majority of people in the UK are satisfied/happy with the status quo and we hear only from the dissatisfied minority.


The US is now drilling and exporting more oil than ever, gas prices are dropping at the pump, in some states below two dollars a gal., the first time in years and there is an unlimited supply of natural gas.


The Canadian western Provinces do more trade with the US western States than they do with the rest of Canada. I would hope that one day there could be some kind of political union between the US and Canada. Twenty years ago this would have been laughed off as unthinkable but times and attitudes are changing.


The costs for university and college educations are becoming more and more expensive and in many cases students find themselves tied up for years paying back the loans they had to take out. This should not be. The costs to fire off missiles at ISIS cost millions of dollars a day.... literally... and we are stuck in a war in that part of the world that could take years to win.


We need to focus on education and domestic well being, attract the brightest and best of immigrants and withdraw from foreign conflicts. We cant solve the worlds problems


Re my bold.


Mmmmm...sorry...I disagree strongly.

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