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Chestnuts around sheffield


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Me and G/F (being the non-infantile adults that we are) went looking for conkers at the weekend, rather hoping it'd be slightly more productive than our truffle foraging forays of previous years (and years).

We found two fairly decent ones, although one was tragically lost in transport, pretty much putting an end to our conkering championships planned for later on in the day.


Basically, I think the season's over now for both sweet and horse chestnuts to be honest. I've never found a sweet chestnut worth eating anyway ... much better to get them from the greengrocer's, ensuring they're English not Spanish. ;)

Edited by Alcoblog
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Try Wyming Brook, seem to remember there being plenty of sweet chestnut trees along there, turn off the A 57 onto Rivelin reservoir embankment, drive to the far end to the car park and follow the track running along the far side of the reservoir, Wyming Brook Drive runs for about 2 miles uphill and ends up at Redmires, the track has a barrier across it at either end to allow pedestrians and horses but not cars, so you'd have to walk it, we'll worth it anyway even without the chestnuts.

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