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Workers on the breadline.

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Moving house and taking on a bigger mortgage doesn't make the household more affluent. It makes the household more debt ridden and leaves them less disposable income.


But gives access to the catchment areas of the better schools which is what we're debating. The person wanted their children to go to the better schools. Nothing wrong with that is what I was saying. Each to their own.

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So I'm not illogical after all, I'm in fact right.




The majority of the students who gain the best exam results each year come from the best schools located in the best areas. There's nothing to debate. That is how it is. Not just in this city, nationally it's the same. The published results are clear for anyone to read.


Why does it bother you so much that a pupil from a more affluent household, area, will attain better results than the majority of pupils from more humble areas?


But it is not about whether I or anyone else is 'bothered' about the fact that some children will outperform others. If I believed that it was a simple as your postcode or the type of house you can afford determining your child's exam results, I would be bothered. But I know it is more complex than that and cannot be explained in the fallacious 'A equals B, so B causes C' school of non-logic.


You just don't get it, so I'll leave it there.

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If I believed that it was a simple as your postcode or the type of house you can afford determining your child's exam results, I would be bothered.


Then prepare to be bothered, because that is why houses very near the best performing schools can even demand a premium inflated price. Happens EVERY year. Go and talk to any estate agents, they will tell you. I thought this was all common knowledge. Guess not.

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Then prepare to be bothered, because that is why houses very near the best performing schools can even demand a premium inflated price. Happens EVERY year. Go and talk to any estate agents, they will tell you. I thought this was all common knowledge. Guess not.


I'll try one last time to get through to you.


Expensive house in catchment area of good school + supportive parents who have invested much time and energy in bringing their children up = good chance of their kids achieving highly


Expensive house in catchment area of good school + unsupportive and/or debt-ridden, stressed out parents who have not been able to invest much time and energy in bringing their children up = poor chance of their children achieving highly


Affordable small house in catchment area of any school + supportive parents who have invested much time and energy in bringing their children up = good chance of their kids achieving highly


Get it?

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I know a 76 year old man that walks 4 miles to the supermarket and then 4 miles back home every day, I'm sure most poor people would be capable of walking a little further.


You know a 76 year old man who walks 56 miles a week in supermarket visits alone?

Why doesn't he use his bus pass?

Why doesn't he cut down the number of visits by shopping more wisely?

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You know a 76 year old man who walks 56 miles a week in supermarket visits alone?

Why doesn't he use his bus pass?

Why doesn't he cut down the number of visits by shopping more wisely?


He doesn't use his bus pass because he likes walking and he can't cut the number of visits because two days worth of shopping would be heavier.

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He doesn't use his bus pass because he likes walking and he can't cut the number of visits because two days worth of shopping would be heavier.


If I knew someone like that I would offer to help him carry...But I guess you are too busy on here and creating new identities. ;)

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So I'm not illogical after all, I'm in fact right.




The majority of the students who gain the best exam results each year come from the best schools located in the best areas. There's nothing to debate. That is how it is. Not just in this city, nationally it's the same. The published results are clear for anyone to read.


Why does it bother you so much that a pupil from a more affluent household, area, will attain better results than the majority of pupils from more humble areas?

This is because the children from a more affluent area have an unfair advantage.

It is the reason that the Country is run by public school boys and it is a scandal.

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This is because the children from a more affluent area have an unfair advantage.

It is the reason that the Country is run by public school boys and it is a scandal.


There has to be perks of being wealthy, otherwise nobody would strive strive for success and the world wouldn't grow or develop.

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