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Workers on the breadline.

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^^Plus - Ask yourself why the UK is sixth richest country in the world and we have some of highest dependencies on food banks.


I wanted to understand why people use food banks, so I just read an article. 80% of food bank users have either been sanctioned due to failing to comply with their job seeking agreements or are waiting for their claims to go through. 92% of new claims are dealt with in under 16 days.

The 20% who attend food banks due to low income complain that crisis / advance loans have been capped or stopped.


Like I said in a previous post, these people are all focussing on the wrong thing, in this case, a free lunch, despite a well known saying regarding a free lunch.

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When you're quite finished with this nonsense, we can get back to the serious nature of this thread. Unless you don't want my input. I don't have to post. You can just tell me you'd rather I don't contribute and I won't. I'm doing you a favour by posting. I can just as easily do something else you know.


With Xenia, Coutts and Alan Ladd I presume?

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With Xenia, Coutts and Alan Ladd I presume?


This is getting ridiculous. Is this the norm here? If I were anyone else I would post as that person would I not. Why would I make a new one? I wasn't expecting a warm welcome but being vilified every few posts is rather off-putting. I haven't done anything wrong and hope to enjoy my time here. Can we just drop the insults now please. Thank you.

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The question should be what they haven't put in place. Is there any recent government policy which has helped the poor?


already seen answered. Didn't see last page


Ask yourself why tax credits are necessary. And who is actually paying them.


Do you think people were better off or worse off before tax credits?


Ask yourself why the minimum wage is not enough to live on in this country when companies are making billions in profits.


Ask yourself if you understand anything at all about businesses, economy and general anything?


Ask yourself why university students are now having to pay £27,000+(amongst the highest in Europe,) for a degree, to become shelf stackers in Tesco.


Having to pay?


Can you provide any stats to how many of the shelf stackers in Tesco have degrees?


And of those, how many intended this path?


Or, how many are working there whilst finding something else?


How many were realistic in thinking they would get their degree then jump straight into a high paid job in their required field?






I have a question Anna.


Ask yourself how many people live in the conditions in the link that was provided earlier by MacBeth?

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Ask yourself why tax credits are necessary. And who is actually paying them.


Ask yourself why the minimum wage is not enough to live on in this country when companies are making billions in profits.


Ask yourself why university students are now having to pay £27,000+(amongst the highest in Europe,) for a degree, to become shelf stackers in Tesco.


Ask yourself why this country is now one of the top three tax havens in the world when we have a massive problem with debt.


Tax credits were brought in to top wages - to make work viable. In theory. It probably hasn't panned out like that (I don't know - I'm not on them). But I don't doubt the motives. I prefer the idea of getting rid of an extra layer of beaucrocrasy and tax low paid workers less. If people do degrees in a soft subject and end up working at tesco (I know one who does just that) he only has himself to blame. Check what skills are likely to be in demand, and where. Have they really changed that much over the last 20 years? As a rule to numbers going to uni is pretty consistent. What past governments have done with those who don't choose to go to university is pretty shameful though.


But standards of living all really boil down to house prices and rent. You could buy a house on a fairly low wage - you can't do that as much now unless it's a right hole. Rent is worse - and whilst ever the government is happy to top up rent for landlords, rent will keep going up. I don't blame them to a certain extent. I knew a few landlords who got into it when they realised their pensions would be next to worthless and their savings make no money. Property can be far safer option.


But short of throwing more money at people, what would you have governments do? They need to stop sanctioning people though unless it's really really really necessary.

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There is only one way to get out of poverty, you need to earn more. It's as simple as that. People will say, no kidding Sherlock, but that is the bottom line. You can't tip toe around the fact. If you are poor, you need to earn more. You can't just moan that to do this would be impossible. It is far from impossible. It is how everyone else does it. It's quite simple, you must put in some effort and refuse to quit until you're earning more. There is no other way.


The biggest rookie mistake is when people who are poor put all their effort into cutting down their expenses. Cutting coupons so to speak. It's almost like they are carving out a master plan to ensure they become adept to living on or under the breadline. This just re-enforces their behaviour. They end up experts at being poor. When you start thinking how to cut costs, realise your mistake and immediately switch your brain, start thinking how you can earn more instead or at least do both with the emphasis on earning more.


How do most people generally earn more? It's not rocket science, they either get a job, a better paying job or they start a business. It all begins with attitude, without the right can do spirit, you are lost.


As the great Henry Ford once said, 'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right!


Earn more? Right, I'll ask my boss for a 300% pay increase. I wonder what he'll say? Something about there's plenty of people who want your job, I'll bet. How do you get a better job anyway?


Secondly, start a business? Doing what precisely? Whatever business line you choose they'll be someone trying to close your business down before it even starts. Not everyone has the aptitude to run a business, anyway, and even if they did and everyone started their own business, who would they employ, since everyone is running their own business?

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This is getting ridiculous. Is this the norm here? If I were anyone else I would post as that person would I not. Why would I make a new one? I wasn't expecting a warm welcome but being vilified every few posts is rather off-putting. I haven't done anything wrong and hope to enjoy my time here. Can we just drop the insults now please. Thank you.
:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: caught out again
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Earn more? Right, I'll ask my boss for a 300% pay increase. I wonder what he'll say? Something about there's plenty of people who want your job, I'll bet. How do you get a better job anyway?


Secondly, start a business? Doing what precisely? Whatever business line you choose they'll be someone trying to close your business down before it even starts. Not everyone has the aptitude to run a business, anyway, and even if they did and everyone started their own business, who would they employ, since everyone is running their own business?


Where do I start Mecky. How has this happened to you. When did you lose your spirit, wonder and excitement for life. I wonder how you and some of the others on this thread can go through life consumed with such negativity for the world you live in. Full of conspiracy theories and making demands on the world to be equal. If you want your piece of the pie you're going to have to go get it. Nobody is going to give it to you. I hate to see people wasting their one go at life and just throwing it away. Are you going to spend the only life you have being disappointed or are you going to do something about it. You're obviously not content with your lot, so do something about it.


When I speak to people unhappy with their salary I ask them. Why the hell do you stay there then, nobody has a gun to your head. They are full of excuses and blame, but no action, no responsibility! The only person to blame for the wage you get is you. It's like people who take jobs and then go on strike such as teachers, firemen, nurses etc, such moaning babies. They knew the job and it's pay when they applied. Don't like the pay, don't take the job or change jobs. The next time you hear someone moaning about their salary, ask them when they last applied for another job that pays more, all you will get is excuses or silence.


As for your comments on starting a business, I've never heard comments so absurd. There are kids starting and operating successful six figure businesses in this country, KIDS!

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Where do I start Mecky. How has this happened to you. When did you lose your spirit, wonder and excitement for life. I wonder how you and some of the others on this thread can go through life consumed with such negativity for the world you live in. Full of conspiracy theories and making demands on the world to be equal. If you want your piece of the pie you're going to have to go get it. Nobody is going to give it to you. I hate to see people wasting their one go at life and just throwing it away. Are you going to spend the only life you have being disappointed or are you going to do something about it. You're obviously not content with your lot, so do something about it.


When I speak to people unhappy with their salary I ask them. Why the hell do you stay there then, nobody has a gun to your head. They are full of excuses and blame, but no action, no responsibility! The only person to blame for the wage you get is you. It's like people who take jobs and then go on strike such as teachers, firemen, nurses etc, such moaning babies. They knew the job and it's pay when they applied. Don't like the pay, don't take the job or change jobs. The next time you hear someone moaning about their salary, ask them when they last applied for another job that pays more, all you will get is excuses or silence.


As for your comments on starting a business, I've never heard comments so absurd. There are kids starting and operating successful six figure businesses in this country, KIDS!


Everything black and white to you isn't it? Well it isn't

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