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Workers on the breadline.

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Not to mention look at the top 3?


China, USA and India.


No poverty in any of those at all.


Of course there is. always will have anywhere in the world. but the average american dont have to think if they can afford to put heating on or eat tesco value food just to make ends meet

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Of course there is. always will have anywhere in the world. but the average american dont have to think if they can afford to put heating on or eat tesco value food just to make ends meet


:rolleyes:That depends on how you define 'the average American'.

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How would you help them off the roundabout? I use the world help as you don't think they can get off on their own accord.


OK. Some back of a cigarette packet ideas:


Make parents more accountable for bringing up their children correctly, with more emphasis on 'good parenting' education. Child allowance and other incentives paid for only the first two children to encourage smaller families.


Start by returning to a Grammar School system. But alongside, the old Secondary schools must be replaced by a prestigious Technical school system.


Free university education for all who are suitable, but entrance made harder to ensure only the most academic are accepted. In tandem with this, a practical university standard higher education to incorporate engineering, electronics, nursing and health care, art and design etc. and proper in-house apprenticeships of at least 3 years. More cross pollination of ideas between academic and creative disciplines.


Those who can't find what they want from these, to do 2 years of National Service, incorporating service in the community, citizenship, service overseas, foreign travel, policeing sport etc.


Make completing one of the above a condition of full citizenship, passport or some such. (Certain exceptions eg those with health / mental health problems - bring back Remploy?)


Working legislation to ensure proper jobs contracts with rights and responsibilities, proper training, and a built in career structure (working your way up) for those who want it. Move from a minimum wage to a Living wage.

More worker ownership of companies along the John Lewis model.


Restore the link between hard work and reward. CEOs pay to be no more than 10 x average worker's pay. Cap top earners pay with tax, or make everyone pay 25% - 30% and collect it religiously, no exceptions and no fancy footwork. Or possibly encourage phillanthropy, by asking established entrepreneurs to take on whole projects in exchange for tax exemptions?


Leave EU. Protect borders, points system of entry like Australia. Become more self-sufficient as a country. Fund research and development properly, and stop giving ideas away to other countries. Re-nationalise railways, utilities, energy and water companies. Bring in rent controls.


Get rid of the 'Old Boy' network and modernise. Make our democracy truly democratic with new system. Reduce bureuocracy and red tape to move much faster, slicker and smarter.


Just a few quick ideas, - I admit they haven't all been thoroughly thought through. No doubt people will rip into them.

Edited by Anna B
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OK. Some back of a cigarette packet ideas:


Make parents more accountable for bringing up their children correctly, with more emphasis on 'good parenting' education. Child allowance and other incentives paid for only the first two children to encourage smaller families.


Start by returning to a Grammar School system. But alongside, the old Secondary schools must be replaced by a prestigious Technical school system.


Free university education for all who are suitable, but entrance made harder to ensure only the most academic are accepted. In tandem with this, a practical university standard higher education to incorporate engineering, electronics, nursing and health care, art and design etc. and proper in-house apprenticeships of at least 3 years. More cross pollination of ideas between academic and creative disciplines.


Those who can't find what they want from these, to do 2 years of National Service, incorporating service in the community, citizenship, service overseas, foreign travel, policeing sport etc.


Make completing one of the above a condition of full citizenship, passport or some such. (Certain exceptions eg those with health / mental health problems - bring back Remploy?)


Working legislation to ensure proper jobs contracts with rights and responsibilities, proper training, and a built in career structure (working your way up) for those who want it. Move from a minimum wage to a Living wage.

More worker ownership of companies along the John Lewis model.


Restore the link between hard work and reward. CEOs pay to be no more than 10 x average worker's pay. Cap top earners pay with tax, or make everyone pay 25% - 30% and collect it religiously, no exceptions and no fancy footwork. Or possibly encourage phillanthropy, by asking established entrepreneurs to take on whole projects in exchange for tax exemptions?


Leave EU. Protect borders, points system of entry like Australia. Become more self-sufficient as a country. Fund research and development properly, and stop giving ideas away to other countries. Re-nationalise railways, utilities, energy and water companies. Bring in rent controls.


Get rid of the 'Old Boy' network and modernise. Make our democracy truly democratic with new system. Reduce bureuocracy and red tape to move much faster, slicker and smarter.


Just a few quick ideas, - I admit they haven't all been thoroughly thought through. No doubt people will rip into them.

I think its a great ideas

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OK. Some back of a cigarette packet ideas:


Make parents more accountable for bringing up their children correctly, with more emphasis on 'good parenting' education.

It sounds good, but how do you make people accountable?

Child allowance and other incentives paid for only the first two children to encourage smaller families.


Start by returning to a Grammar School system. But alongside, the old Secondary schools must be replaced by a prestigious Technical school system.


Free university education for all who are suitable, but entrance made harder to ensure only the most academic are accepted.

Tax goes up to pay for this then?

In tandem with this, a practical university standard higher education to incorporate engineering, electronics,

You realise that a) electronics is a branch of engineering, and engineering degrees are required to be an engineer and very well established and taught in the UK... They are also highly academic subjects, you don't learn to be an electronic, mechanical or civil engineer by learning on the job.

nursing and health care, art and design etc. and proper in-house apprenticeships of at least 3 years. More cross pollination of ideas between academic and creative disciplines.


Those who can't find what they want from these, to do 2 years of National Service, incorporating service in the community, citizenship, service overseas, foreign travel, policeing sport etc.


Make completing one of the above a condition of full citizenship, passport or some such. (Certain exceptions eg those with health / mental health problems - bring back Remploy?)

Wow, that's pretty fascist.


Working legislation to ensure proper jobs contracts with rights and responsibilities, proper training, and a built in career structure (working your way up) for those who want it. Move from a minimum wage to a Living wage.

More worker ownership of companies along the John Lewis model.

How does the government cause the last bit to happen? Tax breaks maybe?


Restore the link between hard work and reward. CEOs pay to be no more than 10 x average worker's pay.

Watch all multi national companies leave immediately to be run from elsewhere.

Cap top earners pay with tax,

Watch all the highly paid leave to work elsewhere.

or make everyone pay 25% - 30% and collect it religiously, no exceptions and no fancy footwork. Or possibly encourage phillanthropy, by asking established entrepreneurs to take on whole projects in exchange for tax exemptions?


Leave EU.

Watch our foreign markets dry up, foreign trade suffer, income go down and cost of doing business go up.

Protect borders, points system of entry like Australia. Become more self-sufficient as a country.

Easy to say isn't it.

Fund research and development properly, and stop giving ideas away to other countries.

Giving away?

Re-nationalise railways, utilities, energy and water companies. Bring in rent controls.


Get rid of the 'Old Boy' network and modernise.

It's not an official system, so how do you 'get rid'?


Some of the earlier bits have potential, but it gets stranger from the point you start talking about citizenship I think.

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Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.


Occasionally perhaps but it would be more realistic to say the bigger the acorn the bigger the oak tree. The only to get your hands on other peoples' money are generally by illegal or at least immoral means and it helps to have a huge wad of cash behind you before you try. Unless you have your own cash, you're going to get ripped off anyway; that's the way of the world.


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 07:41 ----------


It's not an official system, so how do you 'get rid'?


Possibly he means the same way the Russians did, by revolution? You can only push people so far before there's a backlash. I think the UK is nearing the tipping point

Edited by Mecky
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OK. Some back of a cigarette packet ideas:


Make parents more accountable for bringing up their children correctly, with more emphasis on 'good parenting' education. Child allowance and other incentives paid for only the first two children to encourage smaller families.


Start by returning to a Grammar School system. But alongside, the old Secondary schools must be replaced by a prestigious Technical school system.


Free university education for all who are suitable, but entrance made harder to ensure only the most academic are accepted. In tandem with this, a practical university standard higher education to incorporate engineering, electronics, nursing and health care, art and design etc. and proper in-house apprenticeships of at least 3 years. More cross pollination of ideas between academic and creative disciplines.


Those who can't find what they want from these, to do 2 years of National Service, incorporating service in the community, citizenship, service overseas, foreign travel, policeing sport etc.


Make completing one of the above a condition of full citizenship, passport or some such. (Certain exceptions eg those with health / mental health problems - bring back Remploy?)


Working legislation to ensure proper jobs contracts with rights and responsibilities, proper training, and a built in career structure (working your way up) for those who want it. Move from a minimum wage to a Living wage.

More worker ownership of companies along the John Lewis model.


Restore the link between hard work and reward. CEOs pay to be no more than 10 x average worker's pay. Cap top earners pay with tax, or make everyone pay 25% - 30% and collect it religiously, no exceptions and no fancy footwork. Or possibly encourage phillanthropy, by asking established entrepreneurs to take on whole projects in exchange for tax exemptions?


Leave EU. Protect borders, points system of entry like Australia. Become more self-sufficient as a country. Fund research and development properly, and stop giving ideas away to other countries. Re-nationalise railways, utilities, energy and water companies. Bring in rent controls.


Get rid of the 'Old Boy' network and modernise. Make our democracy truly democratic with new system. Reduce bureuocracy and red tape to move much faster, slicker and smarter.


Just a few quick ideas, - I admit they haven't all been thoroughly thought through. No doubt people will rip into them.


National Service is such a bad idea! It'll never work again!

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National Service is such a bad idea! It'll never work again!


Mmmm, I don't think I mean militaristic national service necessarily.

The name is a bit oppresive for a start, so I'd change that.


I'm thinking about all the good work the armed forces and volunteer services do here in the UK to help the public. I think there's something similar elsewhere in the world, (Australia?) I would build in lots of enjoyable things like sport and travel as well to make it a desirable optiIon. I'm hoping it would build skills and character, and turn out well rounded, capable young adults, a kind of University of lifeskills.


I want all young people to have life skills and a good attitude. I think helping others develops that.

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National Service is such a bad idea! It'll never work again!
The only real problem with NS is that it's expensive to run. And when one considers how society has evolved morally since it was abolished...perhaps that was a price worth continuing to pay.


People have too many rights (with a sense of entitlement to match) and too little duties (with a teflon-like rejection of personal accountability to match) these days. NS wouldn't be that bad an idea to level (socio-economic-) classes of age for a short period of time and enforce a reality and morality check on all.


As a young lad, I was never more aware of my behaviour, liabilities and responsibilities than when I became subjected to the military code rather than the civilian penal code overnight. Knowing that you can wind before a military tribunal and in military prison, with little in the way of due process, for so much as a sideways fart, tends to knock some sense in the hardest of heads. Most people I did my NS with walked a bit straighter and held their head a bit higher by the end of it ;)

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