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Workers on the breadline.

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Yes, lots of problems to be solved. Like I said these haven't been thought through, properly costed etc. Just ideas. Some of them require quite radical thinking.


I'm a big fan of social peer pressure to change behaviour and make people accountable. Plus lots of information and awareness raising, (via public information TV campaigns perhaps?)


Money is always going to be a problem, no matter what you do. But we seem to throw good money after bad in loads of areas, and savings can and should be made in the right areas. We need to collect more tax from the big hitters who go to extraordinary lengths to avoid it.


I really don't like being held to ransome by these big multi-national companies. They ruin home grown businesses, and already use tax havens all over the world to avoid tax. They have no conscience and no loyalty to anyone and will always go to the lowest bidder. They are causing a race to the bottom that will impoverish everyone but themselves in the long run. They need to be stopped and governments should be working together to do it.


I think if you've had a free university education you should have to spend some time using those skills to the benefit of this country before you can cash in by working abroad.


You're right that it's very easy to say, but I also believe problems can be solved with properly co-ordinated, long term thinking. I think part of the problems we have is short-termism, piecemeal, non joined up thinking, and that stems to a large extent from our outdated methods of government, which hasn't really changed for centuries, is way too big, is unresponsive, moves at a glacial pace and fails to keep up with the modern world. It is no longer fit for purpose.


Where do you get the money to pay for all that? It aint free by any means you know :D

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Where do you get the money to pay for all that? It aint free by any means you know :D


Anna answered that question a couple of sentences later: We need to collect more tax from the big hitters who go to extraordinary lengths to avoid it.

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Explain to me why the UK allows immigrants in to fill jobs that cannot be filled within. Maybe it's come to the state that unemployment benefits pay more than some jobs do and I've heard that unemployment benefits in the UK last for years which does not exactly encourage those living on unemployment to go out in search of work. I'm sure there's rental assistance included for council housing also.


Do you deny that there are many cases of young single women getting pregnant so that they qualify for a low rental council flat and a whole lot of other benefits along with it? Even better they don't have to go to work half the time either.


Oh Harleyman...still reading the Daily Mail eh after all these years as an American. ;)

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Oh Harleyman...still reading the Daily Mail eh after all these years as an American. ;)


So what you're saying Swami is that there isn't a word of truth in that statement? C'mon now :D


BTW I don't read newspapers these days. My reading matter generally runs to old copies of Playboy stashed inside the tool bin in the garage.


I get my daily info from BBC America, BBC UK News, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC.


The BBC UK News doesn't seem to comment on the domestic situation regarding the unemployed although it covers a lot of other current issues. I think that being unemployed in a country like Britain isn't the hardship it's made out to be. It may be demoralizing to some but I've known people over there who've been on the dole for years. They had a roof over their heads and certainly not slum conditions, far from it, food and enough left over for beer and baccy.


The teenage pregnancy passport to a council flat and generous maternity benefits isn't fiction either


---------- Post added 08-11-2014 at 20:06 ----------


Anna answered that question a couple of sentences later: We need to collect more tax from the big hitters who go to extraordinary lengths to avoid it.


Why should taxes from corporations go to towards funding TV programs and other media propaganda in the interests of the anti-corporate, anti-capitalist activist groups ? :huh:

Edited by Harleyman
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So what you're saying Swami is that there isn't a word of truth in that statement? C'mon now :D


BTW I don't read newspapers these days. My reading matter generally runs to old copies of Playboy stashed inside the tool bin in the garage.


I get my daily info from BBC America, BBC UK News, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC.


The BBC UK News doesn't seem to comment on the domestic situation regarding the unemployed although it covers a lot of other current issues. I think that being unemployed in a country like Britain isn't the hardship it's made out to be. It may be demoralizing to some but I've known people over there who've been on the dole for years. They had a roof over their heads and certainly not slum conditions, far from it, food and enough left over for beer and baccy.


The teenage pregnancy passport to a council flat and generous maternity benefits isn't fiction either


---------- Post added 08-11-2014 at 20:06 ----------



Why should taxes from corporations go to towards funding TV programs and other media propaganda in the interests of the anti-corporate, anti-capitalist activist groups ? :huh:


Glad I didn't see Fox in your list ;)

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Glad I didn't see Fox in your list ;)


Oh but I do tune into Fox now and again. I like to listen to all opinions from all quarters.

To close one's mind to other opinions because on does not agree with those opinions only indicates an unreceptive blinkered mentality

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Oh but I do tune into Fox now and again. I like to listen to all opinions from all quarters.

To close one's mind to other opinions because on does not agree with those opinions only indicates an unreceptive blinkered mentality


Actually, I'd watch Fox all the time. You can't beat a bit of Bill O'reilly or Sean Hannity for comedy value.

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Actually, I'd watch Fox all the time. You can't beat a bit of Bill O'reilly or Sean Hannity for comedy value.


I don't see it as comedic. Just another set of opinions. I don't agree with much of their opinions but like all political opinions on both sides sometimes there's an element of truth and sometimes not

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I don't see it as comedic. Just another set of opinions. I don't agree with much of their opinions but like all political opinions on both sides sometimes there's an element of truth and sometimes not


I see Fox as a propaganda machine. I don't know how a news channel can be so one sided.

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I see Fox as a propaganda machine. I don't know how a news channel can be so one sided.


You probably don't get MSNBC in the UK but it's one of the main media channels in the US. It's the other side of the coin to Fox. Their evening show hosts Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell are also one sided if you want to put it that way. Strongly left and firmly Democrat

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