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Workers on the breadline.

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So what you're saying Swami is that there isn't a word of truth in that statement? C'mon now :D


BTW I don't read newspapers these days. My reading matter generally runs to old copies of Playboy stashed inside the tool bin in the garage.


I get my daily info from BBC America, BBC UK News, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC.


The BBC UK News doesn't seem to comment on the domestic situation regarding the unemployed although it covers a lot of other current issues. I think that being unemployed in a country like Britain isn't the hardship it's made out to be. It may be demoralizing to some but I've known people over there who've been on the dole for years. They had a roof over their heads and certainly not slum conditions, far from it, food and enough left over for beer and baccy.


The teenage pregnancy passport to a council flat and generous maternity benefits isn't fiction either


---------- Post added 08-11-2014 at 20:06 ----------



Why should taxes from corporations go to towards funding TV programs and other media propaganda in the interests of the anti-corporate, anti-capitalist activist groups ? :huh:


Hiya Harleyman, In response to your first question (explain why the government allows immigrants in to fill jobs that cannot be filled within?) is that not self evident?

Your ideas of the current state of unemployment benefits over here are very wrong and indicate to me that you have fallen for the mis/disinformation dished out by a coalition government hell bent on demonising the unemployed as work shy scroungers hiding behind drawn curtains watching daytime television whilst drinking Special Brew, smoking weed and scratching their lazy asses. They (the government) are helped in their efforts by a shameless bunch of cronies who sell the lies in their scurrilous rags thus helping to perpetuate them in the minds of people generally too dumb to have an independent thought of their own. The Daily Mail are the vanguard and thus my comment (meant as a swipe at them and not you)

Young women getting pregnant for no other reason than wanting a cheap house or flat?...same old myths again I'm afraid.

I will concede that there are lazy people out there who do engage in playing the system for what they can get...that is inevitable!...but they are in a miniscule minority. They are severely punished when they are caught and rightly so!

I have little grasp of what BBC America tell you but over here there are a lot of people (myself included) who view the BEEB as another arm of government serving as an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth!


---------- Post added 09-11-2014 at 10:07 ----------


You probably don't get MSNBC in the UK but it's one of the main media channels in the US. It's the other side of the coin to Fox. Their evening show hosts Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell are also one sided if you want to put it that way. Strongly left and firmly Democrat


That must be an American thing...using Democrat and left in the same sentence. ;)

I have the idea that the Republicans are right wing and the Democrats are right wing. The Tea Party are our equivalent of Screaming Lord Sutch's Monster Raving Loony Party...although for reasons I have yet to fully fathom some folks over your side take them seriously.

Edited by Lotusflower
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