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ISIS/ISIL plot foiled

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My previous pots was removed, so ill do it without the sarcasm this time


Read the link, tell me what you think.

Isis/isil, the new bogey men. Is anyone really falling for this new terror threat? Or like me do you feel its prepping us for another war? Getting us sacred then getting us onside ready for boots on the ground?

All i can say is its going to be an interesting next few months.

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First alleged Isil terror plot on UK foiled amid growing fears of beheadings

Four men arrested in London suspected of plotting "significant" attack in UK with alleged links to Syria terror group Isil.





Are you suggesting that this is just government, police and MI5 lies.


Last month police in Australia arrested 15 suspected Islamist extremists amid fears they were planning random killings, including a public beheading.


And that the Australian government are also lying.

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Im suggesting its all rather convenient timing. I dont trust out government much if im honest. I realise that colours my judgement sometimes but i just dont believe half the stuff they say and i believe the tabloids and the likes of sky news even less.

Lets not forget, we invaded Iraq on a lie, do you think our government (i realise it was labour and now its tory but they are all the same deep down) has learnt its lesson and would never lie again?

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Im suggesting its all rather convenient timing. I dont trust out government much if im honest. I realise that colours my judgement sometimes but i just dont believe half the stuff they say and i believe the tabloids and the likes of sky news even less.

Lets not forget, we invaded Iraq on a lie, do you think our government (i realise it was labour and now its tory but they are all the same deep down) has learnt its lesson and would never lie again?


So you think Tony Blair intentionally lied rather than than just made an error based on duff information?

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Are you suggesting that this is just government, police and MI5 lies.


And that the Australian government are also lying.

Whether Bobby is or not, I must confess that, in a rare moment of metallic headgear indulgency, my mind has wandered a bit... :blush:


...I mean, in tactical or strategic terms, IS has nothing to gain by inflaming the West, only draw retaliatory action such as the ongoing airstrikes, which IS supposedly has nothing to counter. You don't need to be Sun Tzu to know that, it's just common sense.


According to interviews of French repatriated (and some intercepted/prevented from leaving) would-be jihadis, recruiting is done online through Facebook and suchlike with videos of kids allegedly gassed by Assad, snackbar moments, and a ton and a half of concerted, complicit posters effectively swamping a target recruit for building peer pressure. The alleged European network of border passers, forgery suppliers and online 'soft' accomplices is the bit worth worrying about more.


In that context, with reference to the 14 year old UK girl who went to Turkey/Syria in the news earlier this week, think for a moment that none of the news I saw or read even mentioned how the bloody hell did she go through airport security at 14? (I know for a fact she couldn't have on her own, so 'someone' must have been accompanying her - and yet, nothing in the media about it AFAIK)


So why does IS keep doing the inflaming with non-combatants' beheading videos, especially the Henning one, and such?


Is inflaming the West "worth more" than having the West still sitting on the fence whilst they gain ground?


...and who profits from a campaign of airstrikes/would profit from a wider conflict?


I'm not leant to conspiracies, but their online hate campaign just looks so illogical to me, so please consider this as nothing more than bit of independent thinking/musing.

Edited by L00b
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Im suggesting its all rather convenient timing. I dont trust out government much if im honest. I realise that colours my judgement sometimes but i just dont believe half the stuff they say and i believe the tabloids and the likes of sky news even less.

Lets not forget, we invaded Iraq on a lie, do you think our government (i realise it was labour and now its tory but they are all the same deep down) has learnt its lesson and would never lie again?


Are you suggesting atrocities currently happening in Syria and Iraq are lies ?

Are you suggesting the four "beheadings" are lies ?

Are you suggesting claims British passport holders have joined the terrorist group Isil are lies ?


Perhaps you would be happy if MI5 and the Metropolitan Police follow the example of South Yorkshire Police and take no action rather then risk undermining race relations ?

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Whether Bobby is or not, I must confess that, in a rare moment of metallic headgear indulgency, my mind has wandered a bit... :blush:


...I mean, in tactical or strategic terms, IS has nothing to gain by inflaming the West, only draw retaliatory action such as the ongoing airstrikes, which IS supposedly has nothing to counter. You don't need to be Sun Tzu to know that, it's just common sense.



Other than gaining support from people that are more likley to side with them rather than the west.


In tactical or strategic terms Gaza had nothing to gain by firing rockets at Israel, but look at the support they gained when Israel retaliated.

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I'm not leant to conspiracies, but their online hate campaign just looks so illogical to me, so please consider this as nothing more than bit of independent thinking/musing.


You can't apply the logic of the sane when trying to understand their behaviour. The actions of ISIS and other extremists are designed to draw the like-mined to their cause - people who have disregard logic and common sense and replaced it with nasty religious doctrine. And it is working.


The CIA estimate that ISIS has 30,000 fighters and more are going every day. Their strategy for recruiting has been so successful in the UK that in a very short amount of time we have arrived at the point where there are twice as many Muslims fighting for extremist groups as there are in UK armed forces.


I don't think there is any conspiracy. Muslim culture turns out a disproportionate level of religious extremists, we have millions of Muslims in the UK and therefore Islam induced terrorism is inevitable.

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