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Sheffield NHS Trust on standby for Ebola patients.

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I think that you need to reassess how you view google or any other type of online resource because it is no different from any academic resource.


Any article is only as strong or weak as it's references. OK I'll accept that if you're lazy a peer reviewed journal makes things easy, because generally the references will be checked before publication, but it doesn't mean that you can discount other sources of information.


I prefer not to use google and I prefer to not get into my personal ethical reasons for that.


So if you know what you're doing google is a fine source of information for an internet forum, for example it'll tell you the difference between a virus and bacteria.


Search engines, if you know what you are doing, will reveal that no scientist has come out and said categorically that ebola can not become airborne. I'd also point out that search engines have revealled that scientists have a criteria for defining 'airborne' which currently ebola does not meet and they say it is unlikely to do so, but were you to breathe in expelled ebola virus containing droplets as from a cough or sneeze you could contract ebola.


So yes you can breathe in the ebola virus and develop ebola but don't worry because ebola is not 'airborne'.


Perhaps not all scientists should be let out on their own

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I prefer not to use google and I prefer to not get into my personal ethical reasons for that.




Search engines, if you know what you are doing, will reveal that no scientist has come out and said categorically that ebola can not become airborne. I'd also point out that search engines have revealled that scientists have a criteria for defining 'airborne' which currently ebola does not meet and they say it is unlikely to do so, but were you to breathe in expelled ebola virus containing droplets as from a cough or sneeze you could contract ebola.


So yes you can breathe in the ebola virus and develop ebola but don't worry because ebola is not 'airborne'.


Perhaps not all scientists should be let out on their own


Ok just to put you at ease.


Aerosol or airborne viruses like a cold are really light, can live on your breath as your cough, splutter and sneeze and as such they travel much further and they also live a lot longer, across a room for example, land on a bannister or door handle and wait for their next host.


Non aerosol viruses such as Ebola, would live on the sputum and are a lot heavier, if someone where to sneeze it would fall to the floor and then die after a minute or so.


So you'd have to get that sputum onto a mucus membrane direct from a sneeze, which is very unlikely unless they sneezed directly upon you.


The thing worth remembering is that when a Ebola victim is infectious they'd be pretty poorly and unlikely to be sitting next to you on a train, and they'd certainly be too ill by the time the infection started attacking the respiratory tract.


It's also worth noting that of all the healthcare people that caught Ebola and went about their lives for a few days, not one of them infected anyone else.

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