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Sheffield NHS Trust on standby for Ebola patients.

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Whereas I'd've thought they'd situate Ebola treatment centres in hospitals.


Anyone traveling from West Africa into Britain should be put in a quarantine centre at RAF Brize Norton until they get the all clear.

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A localised outbreak of a disease in west Africa shouldn't be an issue for Sheffield but such is life it potentially is of course. :rolleyes:


Well, the Spaniards went over to Central America and wiped out the Aztecs with a dose of flu, so you may have a point*


*my geography may be a bit off


That's the point you're making, isn't it?

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I'm not naive enough to trust every figure of authority, but shall we give the worlds Immunology and Infectious Diseases experts a little credit?


Firstly, I would have thought treatment centres for Ebola victims would be best situated outside major cities.


In wooden shacks in a field in the Outer Hebrides? It might be well cut-off from everyone else, but how would you treat people properly? They'd be best situated in the places with the finest facilities and centres of knowledge on the subject, surely? Logically, these will be in places where you can centralise medical facilities and qualified people, i.e. large hsopitals in centres of urban population.


You should be more worried about the massive airports across this country bringing infected people in than where we put a few quarrantined people.


Secondly, on what basis have the four hospitals been chosen? Location purely? Size? Amount of staff available? Proven record on following procedures, especially relating to hygiene and disease control?


Expertise; see above.



All this is IF the Hallamshire has to act as overflow to the Roayl Free, if the Royal Free is so inundated with patients. I can't imagine a country of the UKs stature in world travel and business will avoid Ebola altogether, but I think some people are overreacting already...

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I'm not naive enough to trust every figure of authority, but shall we give the worlds Immunology and Infectious Diseases experts a little credit?



I don't know, shall we? How have they been doing so far? Ebola victims are still lying in the streets of Africa. Extremely little contact has been taking place with Ebola victims in Africa so far from people of other regions, but already it's in the US, and in Spain, and they are still not recommending scanning at airports, which, in my mind is not taking this seriously enough.



In wooden shacks in a field in the Outer Hebrides? It might be well cut-off from everyone else, but how would you treat people properly? They'd be best situated in the places with the finest facilities and centres of knowledge on the subject, surely? Logically, these will be in places where you can centralise medical facilities and qualified people, i.e. large hsopitals in centres of urban population.




No, not in wooden shacks, in many of the units outside of major cities that surely, could be equipped and staffed to meet requirements, without putting them in centres that serve hundreds of thousands of people already.




You should be more worried about the massive airports across this country bringing infected people in than where we put a few quarrantined people.




I am also worried about this: see above.




All this is IF the Hallamshire has to act as overflow to the Roayl Free, if the Royal Free is so inundated with patients. I can't imagine a country of the UKs stature in world travel and business will avoid Ebola altogether, but I think some people are overreacting already...


With a disease like Ebola, I'm with the 'better safe than sorry' camp. I don't like all this talk about 'expecting a few casualties' over here, as if precious lives are just 'collateral damage' that we're prepared to sacrifice, rather than take better precautions, that might inconvenience the majority.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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Ebola victims are still lying in the streets of Africa. Extremely little contact has been taking place with Ebola victims in Africa so far from people of other regions, but already it's in the US, and in Spain, and they are still not recommending scanning at airports, which, in my mind is not taking this seriously enough.


Wow, it's like the opening scene of Resident Evil 5 (or is it 6, I'm not sure) :huh:

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I think it should have been quarantined at the source and that what mean limiting travel including air travel to and from the area until given the all clear. The we can deal with it if it does come here attitude is a bad decision because if it does get here and there's a good chance it will by not limiting travel then who knows who the person/ persons have been in contact with.

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This is crazy, almost as crazy as the British government sending 750 of our troops to Sierrie Leone to "help stop the spread of Ebola", how the **** are they gonna do that?


Stupid politicians. If someone organises a protest about Ebola patients been treated in Sheffield then I will be there!

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