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Sheffield NHS Trust on standby for Ebola patients.

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lmao at this thread, i dont know which is as sensationalist and exagerating this thread and certain people in it or the news stoking up the hysteria



People will be blockading themselves in their houses soon .. well, if they haven't started already.

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People will be blockading themselves in their houses soon .. well, if they haven't started already.


I'm off to buy some milk, bread and lots of tinned food.


some will be doing just that lol, and wont be coming out till its all over. in america the survivalists will prolly be shooting people who come within 40 yards of em

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Sending experts who have expertise in surviving, controlling, organizing against biological threats is a good idea- The British Army is trained to do this.


If volunteers go out to help in Ebola area and are infected then they deserve the best treatment we can give. If NHS or Army personnel became Ebola patients I think a protest against their treatment in Sheffield would be poorly attended.


Good points.

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I don't know, shall we? How have they been doing so far? Ebola victims are still lying in the streets of Africa. Extremely little contact has been taking place with Ebola victims in Africa so far from people of other regions, but already it's in the US, and in Spain, and they are still not recommending scanning at airports, which, in my mind is not taking this seriously enough.


Experts vs Sheffield Forum - I still know who I'm going to trust.



No, not in wooden shacks, in many of the units outside of major cities that surely, could be equipped and staffed to meet requirements, without putting them in centres that serve hundreds of thousands of people already.


Perhaps in time if case numbers really warrant that kind of logistical nightmare, but at the moment this is merely planning for the probable level of cases the UK will see, and clearly someone somewhere who knows more about these things than you or I thinks that the most logical use of resources right now is to use RHH and the other regional centres as per the plan.



With a disease like Ebola, I'm with the 'better safe than sorry' camp. I don't like all this talk about 'expecting a few casualties' over here, as if precious lives are just 'collateral damage' that we're prepared to sacrifice, rather than take better precautions, that might inconvenience the majority.


Stop all flights from outside of the UK? Put the entire world on lockdown until Ebola is erradicated? Where's the line?




Serious question - does anyone know how quick screening can actually give you a result? Presumably screening at airports isn't as simply or quick as flicking through a passport to the page, 'Does the holder of this passport have Ebola?'

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Experts vs Sheffield Forum - I still know who I'm going to trust.





Perhaps in time if case numbers really warrant that kind of logistical nightmare, but at the moment this is merely planning for the probable level of cases the UK will see, and clearly someone somewhere who knows more about these things than you or I thinks that the most logical use of resources right now is to use RHH and the other regional centres as per the plan.





Stop all flights from outside of the UK? Put the entire world on lockdown until Ebola is erradicated? Where's the line?




Serious question - does anyone know how quick screening can actually give you a result? Presumably screening at airports isn't as simply or quick as flicking through a passport to the page, 'Does the holder of this passport have Ebola?'

what i saw on the news today there was a bloke using a hand held led temperture thingy, clicking it at every passenger see if it reads normal body heat, if thats it, pretty fast

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Does anyone else wonder about the wisdom of this decision?


Firstly, I would have thought treatment centres for Ebola victims would be best situated outside major cities.


Secondly, on what basis have the four hospitals been chosen? Location purely? Size? Amount of staff available? Proven record on following procedures, especially relating to hygiene and disease control?


You seem to be questioning the wisdom of managing potential patients with an infectious disease at one of the national infectious disease units! How else would you suggest these patients were managed? At a purpose built unit in the middle of nowhere, staffed by specialist staff from where exactly....??? The time and expense of building and staffing this would be imense, and completely unnecessary.


Do you realise that patients with highly infectious diseases are already being treated at the Hallamshire and they are very good at doing it! This is presumably why the decision was made dont you think?

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