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Sheffield NHS Trust on standby for Ebola patients.

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what i saw on the news today there was a bloke using a hand held led temperture thingy, clicking it at every passenger see if it reads normal body heat, if thats it, pretty fast


But the incubation period for Ebola is 21 days! So people could be free of symptoms (including a temperature) for three weeks! Screening is not going to identify these people and stop them entering the country is it.

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But the incubation period for Ebola is 21 days! So people could be free of symptoms (including a temperature) for three weeks! Screening is not going to identify these people and stop them entering the country is it.

i had this discussion with the missus lol


depends when you get it and travel doesnt it?


some screening will catch some after the 21 day period, some it wont


if you dont have any screening you wont catch any?

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i had this discussion with the missus lol


depends when you get it and travel doesnt it?


some screening will catch some after the 21 day period, some it wont


if you dont have any screening you wont catch any?


Completely agree. I think the screening will also look at travel patterns and risk of potential exposure as well. This may identify some carriers or potential carriers but is unlikely to identify everybody.

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What? You would protest AGAINST treating people for an infectious disease?

You'd rather it was left to spread?

Are you really that stupid?


---------- Post added 09-10-2014 at 08:03 ----------



It has already spread to Spain, USA and Australia. It is transferred extremely easily. It will almost certainly reach the UK soon.[color="Silve


I've reported your terrorist threat the police.


You cowardly cretin. It's not easily transmitted. The vectors of transmission does not include "through the air". Transmission is through bodily fluids ,pooh,vomit etc. You've got to be living on top of an infected person,swimming about in their bodily fluids. Flies might be a vector, but only if they have been paddling about in bodily fluids of the infected .Unless you keep pigs-and they have been trotting about in the bodily fluids of the infected then you have a problem. But as far as I know;I don't see many people in Sheffield keeping pigs in their living room.


I have nothing but respect for the humanitarian efforts of those people taking care-or going out to care-for those unfortunate individuals who have fallen sick.

You see, fully evolved people empathise with the sick,and are prepared to risk their own life caring for them-humanity at its highest evolution.


Some of the posts remind of the response by some to the announcement that a retrovirus was responsible for AIDS.


Even if it does reach the UK it will be contained-but only by the heroic efforts

of people completely unlike you. Go and get your barrier equipment from the warehouse in West Yorkshire. In my mind's eye I can see you down the pub all kitted out,shouting,"I'm all right in me suit.But you lot are dead". So it goes.

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I had to visit the Children's Hospital in August with my son. They had a room set up to deal with potential Ebola cases then. Hardly breaking news. Very scary. Very unhelpful to have those with exposure flying back into the big cities and being treated in the big cities, but there is where the facilities and the expertise to deal with the problem is situated. Hygiene is apparently the key, better stop biting my nails then.

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To the people who are very worried about this, how do you even get out of bed in the morning?


Walking down the stairs, you could trip and fall you know.


You could electrocute yourself in your kitchen


You could get knocked over crossing the road


Etc etc...


Better get your panic rooms built, eh?

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You cowardly cretin. It's not easily transmitted. The vectors of transmission does not include "through the air". Transmission is through bodily fluids ,pooh,vomit etc. You've got to be living on top of an infected person,swimming about in their bodily fluids. Flies might be a vector, but only if they have been paddling about in bodily fluids of the infected .Unless you keep pigs-and they have been trotting about in the bodily fluids of the infected then you have a problem. But as far as I know;I don't see many people in Sheffield keeping pigs in their living room.


Your comments are as reduculous and far from the truth as most other posters in this thread.

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But the incubation period for Ebola is 21 days! .


It can be as little as 2 days


"The incubation period, or the time interval from infection to onset of symptoms, is from 2 to 21 days."


From here



---------- Post added 09-10-2014 at 20:54 ----------


You cowardly cretin. It's not easily transmitted. The vectors of transmission does not include "through the air". Transmission is through bodily fluids ,pooh,vomit etc. You've got to be living on top of an infected person,swimming about in their bodily fluids. Flies might be a vector, but only if they have been paddling about in bodily fluids of the infected .Unless you keep pigs-and they have been trotting about in the bodily fluids of the infected then you have a problem. But as far as I know;I don't see many people in Sheffield keeping pigs in their living room.



How did the nurse in Spain catch it? Do you think she was sharing a bath with her patient?

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How did the nurse in Spain catch it? Do you think she was sharing a bath with her patient?


She was nursing the patient, in contact with bodily fluids and not wearing appropriate PPE last time I heard owt about it.


If I recall correctly, we've already had one person brought back into the country with ebola, and he was flown in by a specially kitted military transport aircraft, by personnel who are highly trained in working with patients who have particularly nasty infectious diseases, transported to an ambulance and transferred under police escort to a high security infectious disease facility.

It's not something that is done lightly and I don't remember reading about anyone who cared for him becoming infected.

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