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Sheffield NHS Trust on standby for Ebola patients.

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E floor at RHH deals with many more patients with rare and highly infectious diseases day in day out than anyone, except those working there, is aware of.

They do a magnificent job and will do the same sterling work should Ebola appear in Sheffield without fuss or fear. It's their job and they do it tirelessly 365 days of the year.


Edited by Daven
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People's attitudes to ebola worry me more than the disease itself! My thoughts are that eight beds nationally really might not be enough, and it's easy to envisage a scenario where more are needed - someone vomitting on a crowded bus for example, but I really do not see ebola becoming a great problem in the UK. Far more people will die from eating sugary or salty foods. The real enemy to our nation's health lies on supermarket shelves!

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People's attitudes to ebola worry me more than the disease itself! My thoughts are that eight beds nationally really might not be enough, and it's easy to envisage a scenario where more are needed - someone vomitting on a crowded bus for example, but I really do not see ebola becoming a great problem in the UK. Far more people will die from eating sugary or salty foods. The real enemy to our nation's health lies on supermarket shelves!


I'm not sure where you get the figure of 8 beds from? In media reports in August it was suggested that there was a capacity of 2 so we've quadrupled our capacity fairly quickly. I suspect that if we did have say 30 active cases then they'd isolate a conventional ward or wing, it's just not practical to isolate large numbers individuals in the way they did for our 1 case so far.

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Have to say, found this a tad concerning when I heard this a couple of days ago


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 00:41 ----------


People's attitudes to ebola worry me more than the disease itself! My thoughts are that eight beds nationally really might not be enough, and it's easy to envisage a scenario where more are needed - someone vomitting on a crowded bus for example, but I really do not see ebola becoming a great problem in the UK. Far more people will die from eating sugary or salty foods. The real enemy to our nation's health lies on supermarket shelves!


Totally agree :)

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She was nursing the patient, in contact with bodily fluids and not wearing appropriate PPE last time I heard owt about it.



The last heard from Spain was that the nurse had taken all necessary precautions and followed the correct protocol....where did you read that she'd not worn her PPE?

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People's attitudes to ebola worry me more than the disease itself! My thoughts are that eight beds nationally really might not be enough, and it's easy to envisage a scenario where more are needed - someone vomitting on a crowded bus for example, but I really do not see ebola becoming a great problem in the UK. Far more people will die from eating sugary or salty foods. The real enemy to our nation's health lies on supermarket shelves!


Many people die each year in the UK of 'flu and the effects of 'flu - a highly contagious infection but very little fuss is made about this - and the number of 'at risk' people who do not take up the offer of free 'flu jabs is very worrying.

Concerns should be directed to this real problem rather than what might happen.

Edited by Daven
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The last heard from Spain was that the nurse had taken all necessary precautions and followed the correct protocol....where did you read that she'd not worn her PPE?



Spain’s El País stated earlier this week that Carlos III workers were wearing latex gloves secured with adhesive tape to their overalls.


Inappropriate, not absent.

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