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Ebola - can UK cope in a crisis?

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I wonder how ready we are to deal with an Ebola crisis?


Yes, the people who have been in Western hospitals with it have largely managed to survive with good medical treatment, but they have all been single individuals, being carefully barrier nursed in ideal surroundings, one at a time.


What happens if 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8 and so on. Will we be able to cope? Or maybe the question should be at what number will the system break down?


We've seen in Spain how secure the system has to be to contain it. Do we, for example, have enough equipment ready on standby? Enough isolation units, enough skilled nurses? I would guess not.


So wouldn't the best thing be to close borders and screen everybody coming in before it's too late?

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Ebola currently affects roughly 0.0001% of the Earth's population.


The UK is planning for a few cases. The Hallamshire is one of the hospitals that will be used, if the number of cases in The Royal Free becomes too big. That number, by the way, is more than two cases.


That puts things into perspective.


Of course we shouldn't close the borders. A bit of temperature monitoring at airports wouldn't be a bad idea though.

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Of course we shouldn't close the borders. A bit of temperature monitoring at airports wouldn't be a bad idea though.


Why of course we shouldn't? travel to and from west Africa should stopped until this is under control.

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Why of course we shouldn't? travel to and from west Africa should stopped until this is under control.


And Spain?

And the US?


No chance.

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