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Is it fair to send 700 military personnel to face Ebola in West Africa

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Well according to the WHO and every thing else I've read, it can only be transmitted by direct fluid contact.


I've posted several links that counter that and the nurse in Spain is said to have caught it off her glove.


But here is another link.


A group of German medical doctors in a peer-reviewed medical journal article published by Oxford University Press have challenged a key assumption regarding the Ebola virus repeatedly asserted by Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


The researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.


As WND reported Tuesday, the World Health Organization has admitted that “wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently could transmit the Ebola virus over a short distance to another nearby person.”


WHO said it could happen when “virus-laden heavy droplets are directly propelled, by coughing or sneezing onto the mucus membranes or skin with cuts or abrasions of another person.”


Still, WHO added a qualification, insisting the transmission of Ebola by sneezing or coughing is not within its definition of airborne transmission





Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/ebola-victims-without-symptoms-could-still-be-contagious/#xKHVZLqP0k9IvMeD.99



Some people have compared it to aids when claiming it is difficult to catch.



Ask you self this question.


You need to cross London on the underground.


Train A is full and 50% of the passengers are HIV posative.


Train B is full and it is known that one person on that train has contracted Ebola.


Which train would you get onto, I would choose train A.

Edited by firemanbob
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I've posted several links that counter that and the nurse in Spain is said to have caught it off her glove.


But here is another link.


A group of German medical doctors in a peer-reviewed medical journal article published by Oxford University Press have challenged a key assumption regarding the Ebola virus repeatedly asserted by Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


The researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.


As WND reported Tuesday, the World Health Organization has admitted that “wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently could transmit the Ebola virus over a short distance to another nearby person.”


WHO said it could happen when “virus-laden heavy droplets are directly propelled, by coughing or sneezing onto the mucus membranes or skin with cuts or abrasions of another person.”


Still, WHO added a qualification, insisting the transmission of Ebola by sneezing or coughing is not within its definition of airborne transmission





Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/ebola-victims-without-symptoms-could-still-be-contagious/#xKHVZLqP0k9IvMeD.99



Some people have compared it to aids when claiming it is difficult to catch.



Ask you self this question.


You need to cross London on the underground.


Train A is full and 50% of the passengers are HIV posative.


Train B is full and it is known that one person on that train has contracted Ebola.


Which train would you get onto, I would choose train A.


Thanks. That confirms that it's only transmitted by direct fluid contact.


I'd choose train A too, because HIV is a manageable condition.

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Thanks. That confirms that it's only transmitted by direct fluid contact.


I'd choose train A too, because HIV is a manageable condition.


I am happy to correct your earlier incorrect assertion.



Rest of the planet?! You can only contract Ebola via a direct fluid transfer.


So it can spread in the same way that a cold or flu spreads.


Flu viruses spread mainly through droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or be inhaled into the lungs.




The researchers found that an Ebola patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.

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I am happy to correct your earlier incorrect assertion.





So it can spread in the same way that a cold or flu spreads.


Flu viruses spread mainly through droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or be inhaled into the lungs.




The researchers found that an Ebola patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.


That's because there's an incubation period of up to 3 weeks. It's not airborne, probably never will be. It's only ransom it table through direct fluid transfer. Although it can be transferred by touch and very close contact with coughing, sneezing, hand to mouth etc. It's easily containable with the correct precautions, which they've not had access to in Africa.


Closing the borders will only make the situation worse.

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That's because there's an incubation period of up to 3 weeks. It's not airborne, probably never will be. It's only ransom it table through direct fluid transfer. Although it can be transferred by touch and very close contact with coughing, sneezing, hand to mouth etc. It's easily containable with the correct precautions, which they've not had access to in Africa.


Closing the borders will only make the situation worse.

Ebola is proven to be able to survive outside the body, its proven that you don't need direct contact with a victim, it can be caught from inanimate objects, and when someone with Ebola coughs or sneezes the droplets that contain Ebola are airborne.

How will closing the borders of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia make the situation worse.

Edited by firemanbob
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Ebola is proven to be able to survive outside the body, its proven that you don't need direct contact with a victim, it can be caught from inanimate objects, and when someone with Ebola coughs or sneezes the droplets that contain Ebola are airborne.


They're not airborne. Ebola can only survive in larger heavy droplets which will settle within a few seconds. This means that surfaces need to be kept sterile at all times as hand to mouth infection is possible. It's not airborne, never has been and is very highly unlikely to ever become airborne.

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They're not airborne. Ebola can only survive in larger heavy droplets which will settle within a few seconds. This means that surfaces need to be kept sterile at all times as hand to mouth infection is possible. It's not airborne, never has been and is very highly unlikely to ever become airborne.


How would you keep the service of a public toilet, tram, shop door, sterile, would you have someone disinfecting it every time someone went in and out.


Its only ever been in Africa which is warm country and the virus can't survive about 5°C outside the body, but it can survive for 50 days in a cool humid climate like ours, its never been unleashed on a city like London so they have no idea how easily or quickly it will spread. Its airborne every-time someone with Ebola sneezes or coughs.

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