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Parking ticket at school

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what happens is that traffic wardens target particular schools to try to get parents out of the habit of parking irresponsibly when there are a lot of children about, the clocks are going back in a couple of weeks so the chances of there being accidents will increase.


the headteachers get fed up with coming out themselves or sending staff out to admonish the parents.


they are really only strict in the mornings and at going home time. Somebody can even park on a yellow zig zag line outside a school on a Sunday afternoon for hours, with there being no consequences.

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I was being sarcastic, I fully agree with you and it annoys me how some parents park, they would rather risk running another child over to get to a space than walking a further 30 cms.


Blast, how did I miss that undertone. I blame my manflu.

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I agree totally with tjz and bonjon. The sooner kids start walking to school again, or going in the school bus where provided, the better.


Banning things is rarely the answer, but I'd ban cars from transporting kids to school if I could.


Actually I wouldnt. A designated school bus, and making it illegal to overtake the bus would do the trick by making cars impossiblly annoying to use to take kids to school.

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