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Break away in the UK without Christmas

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This is probably a strange request but I'm looking to see if anyone has any ideas as to where I can look for a short break away over Christmas but without having everything that goes along with "christmas".


I'm wanting to stay in the UK but without having to travel too far from the Sheffield/South Yorkshire aresa.


If anyone can help or suggest somewhere to look it would be appreciated.


Many thanks :)

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gotta be west Wales, the Scottish highlands, or deepest Cornwall. Pagan outposts.


or you could try the Fens where the Christian doctrine is only illusory. That is closer to Sheffield.

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I don't think it's a strange request at all. When I went abroad to one of the Canary Islands in early December, it was one of the best holidays I had - 2 weeks away from the darkness, cold and damp - bliss!

As others have suggested the Lake District, rural Scotland or Wales might be best (or even somewhere in the Peak District - even closer)!

I don't mind Christmas once it's here i.e. 25th December; it's the protracted lead up to it that I detest. And it seems to get earlier each year. Aaaaagh! :rant:

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I'd like to go somewhere where I don't have to do my own catering


Stay at home and have your non Christmas food delivered..Chinese, Indian.

Play nothing but DVDs on the TV..no radio and seal up the letterbox. Note on the door "No Carol Singers or good wishes of any kind". Failing that I'm afraid you seem to be screwed.

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