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Chrismas spending

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i think its time to tell them theres no santa, if its £3 or £300 tis the thought that counts


I think that the older kids have already gathered that point lol, but the 2 youngest and grandkids still believe the magic so wouldn't spoil it for them .... life has a habit of spoiling too many dreams we have as children as it is ;-)

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Did becoming an astronaut not work out?


My life turned out better than I ever expected ... i`ve travelled the world whilst in the forces , owned and run my own businesses in the past ... have amazing kids & Family ... a loving Partner ... a nice home and a decent well paid job .... BUT I`ve worked damned hard all my life to achieve these things and I had opportunities that the kids today don't have ... I really do feel sorry for future generations ....


Anyway that's by-the-by .... getting back to my OP , how much (according to age ranges) is the average spent on gifts over the festive season ?

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Having a buget and sticking to it is always agood way to go .what we do now we have grandchildren is spend the biggest amount on them and buy token gifts for the parents , same with nephew and nieces when they reach 18 we cut back and buy for any children they may have.

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My parents spend about £75 on my sister and i, even though we're very much adults. Theyve always spend the same, since we were small. The thought didnt shrink, just the amount of presents for the cost did. They spend about £30 on our partners/spouses. I tend to send my Dad some scotch and my mother gets books or DVDs of series from here she cant find elsewhere.


We have 4 nieces, and try to stick to £15 per child. My partners siblings vary in age from 13 to 29, so we get accordingly. The older siblings tend to get giftcards for meadowhall for about £30 and £10 for their significant others. The youngest tends to get a bit more, but thats because of their age.. In a few years, that will teeter off. I guess thats about £200 or so.. But £200 between 9 people really isnt bad and everyone is always pleased with their gifts.

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