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English immigration .

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How many of the immigrants in Spain and Italy passed through this country first before settling there?

I wouldn't guess that many. (Note the word "guess".) Migration from North Africa isn't such a huge issue in Britain. Our migrants tend to be from countries that we once ruled, or EU migration.

How many of the immigrants in this country passed through Spain and Italy before coming here?

Dunno. Do you know?

For most immigrants it's a longer and tougher journey to make it to our Island than it is to get to mainland Europe

It will be when they're having a few weeks in the Costa Del Sol when they're on their way.

yet they're lining up in their thousands at Calais to come across.

You like questions. Try this one. You might even want to guess an answer.

How many of the migrants that leave their country, settle in another before they ever get to Calais?

Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for them

Of course. You're a big softie deep down. :)

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It might be useful if there was a distinction between asylum seekers and migrants. Migrants mostly enter the country legally, and are mostly here to work. Illegal migrants, by definition, can't get access to most services (with the exception of the NHS), they certainly don't get benefits or council housing, precisely because they are here illegally and hiding from the authorities.

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It might be useful if there was a distinction between asylum seekers and migrants. Migrants mostly enter the country legally, and are mostly here to work. Illegal migrants, by definition, can't get access to most services (with the exception of the NHS), they certainly don't get benefits or council housing, precisely because they are here illegally and hiding from the authorities.


Nor do migrants and I'm talking non EU migrants here until they gain ILR. Illegal migrants generally become asylum seekers only if they get caught entering the UK, very few come through an established immigration route and claim asylum. However, they might do, if their visa expires more than 28 days and they become illegal through that means. Most people you see camped in Northern France are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants looking to enter the UK illegally

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Being rich is enough yes. It guarantees that they will be contributing more in tax than they are costing by being here, which is basically what the criteria are about.


In theory, yes.


In practice... let's face it, these Russian gangsters didn't become billionaires by paying their taxes.

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Yet the government keep dragging their heels on immigration?! It's as if they want an army of cheap labourer reserves that they can pay peanuts in order to serve the tax dodging bourgeois?!?!


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 08:59 ----------



And you think this is acceptable??:huh:


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 09:04 ----------



What if someone comes over, gets a job washing cars and lives in a low rent dive, then a week later, we find out he/she has lung cancer and gets all the treatment on the NHS?


Your system has floors that can be exploited quite easily too.



There is a big difference between tax dodging and Tax Avoidance . Al big business do is use the loopholes provided by the stalkers at the HMRC to aviod paying more than they have too . I dont blame them , why would anyone pay more tax than they can get away with. ?

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They're not sheep! They're people and a lot of them have genuine cause to seek a better life in a country that offers support and the chance of a future. One thing this government loves is a mass of needy, scapegoats that they can manipulate!


Or the UK has the reputation of the Kingdom of Free Handouts for the Third Worlders more like

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Or the UK has the reputation of the Kingdom of Free Handouts for the Third Worlders more like


Word is out there that we're a soft touch.


If it's asylum from persecution they're after then they'd be safe in most of mainland Europe, but they continue in their thousands to Calais where they'll risk life and limb to jump into the back of a lorry to make it to this country....They really do believe we're the land of milk and honey, worth risking their lives for to get here.


We need to change that perception and set much tougher rules of entry, whether it be those travelling on EU passports or those from further afield, because we just can't continue with the present rate of net migration.





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Word is out there that we're a soft touch.


If it's asylum from persecution they're after then they'd be safe in most of mainland Europe, but they continue in their thousands to Calais where they'll risk life and limb to jump into the back of a lorry to make it to this country....They really do believe we're the land of milk and honey, worth risking their lives for to get here.


We need to change that perception and set much tougher rules of entry, whether it be those travelling on EU passports or those from further afield, because we just can't continue with the present rate of net migration.





The Germans are the worst they came here in their thousands and now live in the best address in London.

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