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English immigration .

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Nor do migrants and I'm talking non EU migrants here until they gain ILR. Illegal migrants generally become asylum seekers only if they get caught entering the UK, very few come through an established immigration route and claim asylum. However, they might do, if their visa expires more than 28 days and they become illegal through that means. Most people you see camped in Northern France are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants looking to enter the UK illegally


So they aren't doing it because they intend to get a council house and claim benefits. Because that simply won't be possible.

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So they aren't doing it because they intend to get a council house and claim benefits. Because that simply won't be possible.


Migrants are not entitled to benefits unless the the British government has an agreement with the national's home government; how many times do you need to be told?

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There is a big difference between tax dodging and Tax Avoidance . Al big business do is use the loopholes provided by the stalkers at the HMRC to aviod paying more than they have too . I dont blame them , why would anyone pay more tax than they can get away with. ?


I do blame them. They might be exploiting a loop hole, but that doesn't make it right.


You could say the same about any 'crime'. People have gotten away with murder because clever lawyers have exploited loopholes.


It's morally wrong and it's usually people who can more than afford to pay their fair share in tax that exploit these loop holes........another example of how this government sucks up the the wealthy!


It wouldn't be difficult to put a stop to this, the government are more than happy to allow it to continue.


All this talk about, "If we force them to pay tax, they'll leave the UK".........GOOD! Stuff them, we don't want them over here!


---------- Post added 14-10-2014 at 09:43 ----------


Or the UK has the reputation of the Kingdom of Free Handouts for the Third Worlders more like


Harleyman....please explain what you mean by Third Worlders and then have a look at your ridiculous statement again! :loopy:


God bless all those Native Americans! If it wasn't for them being so considerate and allowing their land to be stolen, women to be raped, population murdered and enslaved, America wouldn't be full of IMMIGRANTS today!

Edited by Bonzo77
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Word is out there that we're a soft touch.


If it's asylum from persecution they're after then they'd be safe in most of mainland Europe, but they continue in their thousands to Calais where they'll risk life and limb to jump into the back of a lorry to make it to this country....They really do believe we're the land of milk and honey, worth risking their lives for to get here.


We need to change that perception and set much tougher rules of entry, whether it be those travelling on EU passports or those from further afield, because we just can't continue with the present rate of net migration.






And still you refuse to look at the comparative numbers of asylum applications across Europe.


It's like you enjoy being ignorant of the facts and ranting without basis! :huh:

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And still you refuse to look at the comparative numbers of asylum applications across Europe.


It's like you enjoy being ignorant of the facts and ranting without basis! :huh:


I'm not all that interested in what happens in mainland Europe, that's for those countries to deal with, what does concern me is reports like this relating to our country:









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I'm not all that interested in what happens in mainland Europe, that's for those countries to deal with, what does concern me is reports like this relating to our country:










Migration Watch? Isn't that a bit like getting your immigration info from the UKIP or BNP websites? :hihi:

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I'm not all that interested in what happens in mainland Europe, that's for those countries to deal with, what does concern me is reports like this relating to our country:










That is exactly the problem though Doom isn't it? I have explained, in detail, why it is a European problem and not a British problem, but that doesn't ring a bell with you because you don't like hearing anything about the EU, certainly not when it could actually turn out to be positive collaboration, god forbid, useful EU rules?

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I'm not all that interested in what happens in mainland Europe, that's for those countries to deal with, what does concern me is reports like this relating to our country:










So you often visit facist websites then? It's total BS, there is no such thing as net migration as the UK does not currently stamp people leaving the UK, so 400k - 400k is 0 or no net migration and that does not include illegals either

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So you often visit facist websites then? It's total BS, there is no such thing as net migration as the UK does not currently stamp people leaving the UK, so 400k - 400k is 0 or no net migration and that does not include illegals either


Genuine question mecky...is there no count of people leaving and entering? Not necessarily their I.D but just raw numbers...eg 50,000 left today on planes/boats and 60,000 entered giving a rise in net immigration? Surely the airline/boat companies have this info?

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