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A day running this country,

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I'd slash the defence budget by 80% and spend it on the NHS.


I'd scrap the benefit system for anybody other than those that are disabled AND unable to work and set up a network of state-run organisations with the goal of getting the unemployed and disabled working.


I'd scrap corporation tax and introduce a baseline corporate tax that directly funds pensions and healthcare for the elderly (ie employees once they retire)


I'd introduce a central government information institute with the aim of explaining how the government works and broadcast new law/regulations.


I'd introduce proper proportional representation as well as a federal government system where broadly speaking the North East and Yorkshire/North west /Midlands/West country/East/South east and London get their own directly accountable devolved governments. and each 'state' (thus including Scotland/Wales/NI) gets a representation in Westminster to make up a new Federal government of 150 MPs. I might consider keeping the House of Lords in a strongly trimmed down version with a stronger degree of public control.


I think that will do for a day.

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I would make it a law that no one could hold political office until they had worked in a 'proper job' for five years.


That means not working for a relative or friend of the family, turning up at an agreed time and carrying out the work to the satisfaction of your disinterested employer.


The politicians would then have a grasp on how real life works.


I would abolish royalty and the house of lords.


I would try to get it through to people that we no longer have an Empire, and that it doesn't matter. We need to concentrate on reality and the future peaceful prosperity of our people.


I would bring in proportional representation with a single transferable vote


The country would then be a genuine democracy, rather than the sham that it currently is.

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