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Terror suspect had Blair's address

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A terror suspect was considering an indiscriminate Mumbai-style attack and had an address for Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, the Old Bailey has heard.


In a further development this afternoon the judge has ruled that certain aspects of the trial can never be revealed and has warned jurors and a selected group of press that whatever they hear in the private session can never be repeated.


I'm only presuming that the secret aspects of the trial will relate to activities of the security service and their methods of intelligence gathering.

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In a further development this afternoon the judge has ruled that certain aspects of the trial can never be revealed and has warned jurors and a selected group of press that whatever they hear in the private session can never be repeated.
Why is the press allowed to attend the private session, would be my immediate question.


It's not as if due process would be impaired, since a jury has been convened.


The logic approach would be to remove the disclosure risk factor at source (no press altogether), than try to mitigate it in advance with a threat of contempt of court (press allowed, but no saying this-that-the other).

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A terror suspect was considering an indiscriminate Mumbai-style attack and had an address for Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, the Old Bailey has heard.


Bliar amassed quite an extensive property portfolio while ruining running the country.


Little wonder the attack failed; they couldn't recruit enough suicide bombers.

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Bliar amassed quite an extensive property portfolio while ruining running the country.


Little wonder the attack failed; they couldn't recruit enough suicide bombers.

But Tony and Cherry are socialists surely they would not need more than one house.

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Bliar amassed quite an extensive property portfolio while ruining running the country.


Little wonder the attack failed; they couldn't recruit enough suicide bombers.

Blair is going to be more reviled than Thatcher, but it's not really important whether that's rightfully or wrongfully so.


^~that's your legacy, right there, Tony; if you're reading this. :thumbsup:

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Not before time, Blair & Bush were the front for a criminal action that has led to ISIS, through the invasion of a sovereign state, which had been under sanctions thus economically crippled, which the power of might smashed to bit.


If people like him can get away with carnage, then it leaves the door open for others to imitate. Just wait till the news comes out of IS using chemical weapons, supplied by the good side of course.

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In a further development this afternoon the judge has ruled that certain aspects of the trial can never be revealed and has warned jurors and a selected group of press that whatever they hear in the private session can never be repeated.


And another part of the trial will be in secret without any press.


I know that Blair lives on Connaught Square (

) and I think he needs a good slap for starting the Iraq war on a pack of lies. His beheading might be justifiable.


What more do I need to get myself a secret trial for thought crimes?

Edited by Flexo
Added the video of the new plaque in the Connaught Square communal garden to commerate the hundreds of thousands of deaths.
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Blair is going to be more reviled than Thatcher, but it's not really important whether that's rightfully or wrongfully so.


^~that's your legacy, right there, Tony; if you're reading this. :thumbsup:

Thatcher could have had a state funeral if she'd agreed to it while she was alive. I suspect that Tony would be delighted with that level of revulsion.
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