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The most worthless people in the UK in 2014?

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Many groups are of very little worth. These worthless people generally tend to be poor, uneducated and living on the edge of society or participating in things considered to be taboo.


The homeless person, the drug user, the drug dealer, the person without a family, the disabled, the unemployed, the prostitute, the immigrant, the man, the woman, and so on.


A persons worth is not fixed, and it changes with time.


Prostitutes for example, are seldom deemed to be of any worth by many. Quite often you find that they are targeted by criminals, and they become victims and their plight is ignored. How many times have serial killers targeted female street workers and gotten away with it multiple times before anything is done. After a while, when many fall victim to crime, their worth might be reconsidered, and their safety becomes a priority, at least for a short period of time.


But while the worth of one group might be temporarily elevated, many others remain worthless and of little worth. And it is these people, of little worth, who make easy targets for exploitation, harm, abuse, jokes etc. it is these people whose plight is of little concern. People don't care all that much for them because they are of little worth.


For example, the police do not assign much worth to people who grow cannabis, and they make perfect targets for robbers.


The homeless are of little worth to government, and their lack of housing is not addressed.


The young are of little worth to politicians, and they are financially discriminated against.


The poor are of little worth to profit making private enterprise, a supermarket would rather throw food away, than feed the destitute. They would rather not sell food at a lower price (non profit making price) to the poorest workers. These poor people then find themselves reliant on charity to eat - the foodbanks. Fortunately, people donate to foodbanks, as they assign some worth to the poor and consider them deserving and worthy of being fed.


Anyhow, this brings me to the question in the thread title.


The most worthless people in the UK in 2014?


Who are they?

Why are they worthless?


If identified, can we do something to help them, to make sure they do not fall victim to crime, exploitation etc.?


Can stereotypes be challenged so the worthiness of people is reconsidered?


Are you of worth?


What do you think?

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Instead of the Sunday Times having a 'Rich List', maybe once they could do a 'poor list' of those unfortunates in the U.K. who are poverty stricken, marginalised, and downtrodden :(


this is an incredible idea, would love to see both lists printed side by side.


Your morning paper Mr Osbourne, theres a piece about scroungers today.......

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the obvious place to start if you want to do a self indulgent bleeding heart excercise is Britain's prisons, their inhabitants, their ancestors and their dependents because they are not in prison all the time. Sometimes they are seen, scandalously, in public.

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Why was my post removed from this thread?

Any idea mods?????????

There is no record of any posts being removed from this thread, perhaps you hit 'preview' rather than 'post'.


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Why was my post removed from this thread?

Any idea mods?????????


I think it's the AI built into the latest beta of the forum software.


If it thinks your ideas are too daft, it doesn't bother to post them and spares you the potential embarrassment.


Do you think that could be it?

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My mistake, it wasnt this thread, it was an identical one that was removed it seems, does anyone have any idea why?


---------- Post added 14-10-2014 at 23:43 ----------


I think it's the AI built into the latest beta of the forum software.


If it thinks your ideas are too daft, it doesn't bother to post them and spares you the potential embarrassment.


Do you think that could be it?


You could be right but it left yours ;-)

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