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Is it OK to pay disabled workers less than the minimum wage?

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They guy was trying to find a solution to the problem of unemployed disabled people. He was trying to float ideas at a fringe meeting to encourage discussion to see if anyone could come up with a solution. The usual suspects on here pounce on this and take "offence" along with Millipede being his usual *'@*ish self.

Get a grip people.


Remploy was a solution to the problem of unemployed disabled people, the Tory *'s@ards got rid of it.

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Remploy was a solution to the problem of unemployed disabled people, the Tory *'s@ards got rid of it.


Funny how announcements about the closures were made in 2007 and the first 29 factories were closed in 2008.


....lets just remember who was in charge then.


Oh yeah, it was those Labour *s'@ards wasnt it.

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After giving this lots of thought I think that whilst in theory something could be hammered out which gave opportunities to those who would otherwise be left by the wayside I think that, in practice, it would end up in the hands of A4E or ATOS. The end result would be someone, somewhere, getting very rich off it with little to no benefit for those concerned those concerned demonised, preyed upon and victimised.



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Funny how announcements about the closures were made in 2007 and the first 29 factories were closed in 2008.


....lets just remember who was in charge then.


Oh yeah, it was those Labour *s'@ards wasnt it.


Don't you mean New Labour? Right bunch of *'s@ards they turned out to be!

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Remploy was a solution to the problem of unemployed disabled people, the Tory *'s@ards got rid of it.


It was a shame about remploy. Still since THE LABOUR PARTY started to close it down, this Evil nasty Tory was trying to come up with a solution. He is now being vilified by the ignorascenti. (I just made that word up but you get my gist)

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It was a shame about remploy. Still since THE LABOUR PARTY started to close it down, this Evil nasty Tory was trying to come up with a solution. He is now being vilified by the ignorascenti. (I just made that word up but you get my gist)


I get your gist Ron, what a ****ty society we live in!

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I get your gist Ron, what a ****ty society we live in!


I agree - It's the "welfare", "I'm entitled to" "come to GB and get free stuff" society. And it stinks.

Still there are some decent hard-working people who do still contribute to the general good and keep the others propped up.

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I agree - It's the "welfare", "I'm entitled to" "come to GB and get free stuff" society. And it stinks.

Still there are some decent hard-working people who do still contribute to the general good and keep the others propped up.[/QUOTE]


Correctamundo! You're an old fashioned Socialist at heart Ron.

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I agree - It's the "welfare", "I'm entitled to" "come to GB and get free stuff" society. And it stinks.

Still there are some decent hard-working people who do still contribute to the general good and keep the others propped up.[/QUOTE]


Correctamundo! You're an old fashioned Socialist at heart Ron.


Ha ha . Never Never never xx

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