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Is it OK to pay disabled workers less than the minimum wage?

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Equal pay for doing the same job regardless of age, ability, competence, gender etc Sounds good if they are in fact all providing the same results. That however is not the issue raised by the OP.


Is it ok to pay anyone less than minimum wage? ...Duh! Its the MINIMUM wage.


cameron himself has said that minimum wage is set too low when he said he intends to scrap income tax on it.


If you are not earning enough in a full-time job to warrant paying income tax then something is wrong.



Lord Freud was suggesting that there must be some way to employ people who were not worth NMW in the work market. He was floating an idea of paying people less to give them employment. "There must be some way" we can help these people.

I think he probably knows what minimum means.


It would be great if no-one paid income tax at all. So to bring those on the lowest incomes out of paying this burden altogether is a great achievement of this government.

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Equal pay for doing the same job regardless of age, ability, competence, gender etc Sounds good if they are in fact all providing the same results. That however is not the issue raised by the OP.


Is it ok to pay anyone less than minimum wage? ...Duh! Its the MINIMUM wage.


cameron himself has said that minimum wage is set too low when he said he intends to scrap income tax on it.


If you are not earning enough in a full-time job to warrant paying income tax then something is wrong.


They wouldn't receive less than NMW as their pay would be topped up to the normal job rate by Government.



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There was interesting piece on QT this week. Starts at 47ms in. Angela Eagle tried to argue the point of many posters in here, and rightly got shot to pieces.


Can't say I like QT many of the questions seem to be geared towards letting one or more of the panel try to sell us on something or they try to use the opportunity to show us how they think we should live and think. In a similar way that the tv soaps do from time to time. Or the so called live debates, which are usually handled so badly at times its almost laughable.


They don't call these things programmes for nothing. We watch whilst they try and programme the gullible, and if you say you noticed then the even more gullible deny that is what is happening.


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