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Is it OK to pay disabled workers less than the minimum wage?

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Would be interesting if those on here calling for him to be sack could tell us if they think employers should generally be able to sack people for considering a bad idea that they later reject?


What is the point of politicians going to meetings with members of the public, parties members, different groups etc if they are not going to listen to their ideas and feedback? Do we really want politicians who automatically reject anything that does not adhere to the party line? How do we ever improve things if we cannot discuss all options, tactics and strategies before taking a decision?


He phrased something badly that was said off the cuff. He has apologies for any offence caused. He has clarified his position after reflection. That should be an end to the matter. We shouldn't pander to the lynch mobs who follow their enemies around looking for an mistake to justify a hanging. It is nasty politics and it creates a culture of robotic conformance that stifles debate and innovation.

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Cameron must be really cringing over this, though I expect he'd try and implement it if he thought he could get away with it. It's nearly as bad as the tories wanting to take away the vote for the unemployed or making the unemployed wear uniforms.

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A Tory Lord told activists last month that some workers were "not worth the full wage".

Lord Freud, a former banker, suggested there should be a way to pay disabled people less than the National Minimum Wage but top their pay up in benefits.


Would more people with disabilities get jobs if employers were allowed to pay them less?


No it isnt and in fact HE should volunteer to be paid less than the minimum wage, after all he can always top it up on benefits :)

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I've had a think about this and can now relate better to the point he made. An example is an assistant I had in a library in the Netherlands, she had been long term unemployed due to a physical disability and nobody wanted to hire her as she had struggled badly with confidence as well as having mobility issues.


She got placed in the library with a government funded project to help people like her gain employment, the library paid a nominal fee (I believe it was around 3000 euro a year) with the government topping up her income to 11000 euro a year. After three years in the scheme she managed to secure a full-time job as teaching assistant: her confidence had grown enormously and she realised that her mobility was not an issue for working all day.


The scheme worked really well for her - if this is what Freud was talking about (in a one-liner) than I agree with him that this might well be a good initiative. The context of how this story broke is relevant as well.

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I don't get this? maybe I'm a little dim but if people with disabilities earn less than minimum wage but their benefits will be topped up then they'd be earning the same, right?


So what's the whole point being made?


The point being made is that people with disabilities are not worth being treated like able bodied people. They may not even get the benefits because they would be working.


Would it be fair to treat other groups the same? How about women, people from ethnic minorities, jews, muslims? After all they can always top it up with benefits :loopy:


---------- Post added 16-10-2014 at 09:00 ----------


The coward should grow some balls and stick by what he said.


It just shows you the attitude the Tories have to people who are less fortunate, there will be party condemnation of what he said but we all know its whatt they really think.


As is indicated by the fact he still has a job

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The point being made is that people with disabilities are not worth being treated like able bodied people. They may not even get the benefits because they would be working.


Would it be fair to treat other groups the same? How about women, people from ethnic minorities, jews, muslims? After all they can always top it up with benefits :loopy:



I thought the point was that many disabled people can't find work because they are unable to compete with able bodied people when it comes to the ability to perform certain jobs.

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Cameron must be really cringing over this, though I expect he'd try and implement it if he thought he could get away with it. It's nearly as bad as the tories wanting to take away the vote for the unemployed or making the unemployed wear uniforms.


I don't think he would try & implement it. When Milliband asked Cameron about Lord Freud's views, apparently Cameron got very angry saying he didn't need 'any lectures' about looking after the disabled (referencing his disabled son).


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He's a disgrace. The minimum wage is a joke anyhow, and he says some disabled workers are 'not worth' this insult of a wage. There are laws to protect disabled people. Wellfare Minister? - wouldn't pay him in washers! Mind you, he probably thinks a pint of milk still costs 12p. He needs to go now.


Tony Blair thought a lot of him....he was appointed by Blair to do a review of the welfare to work system....

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I'm still undecided here.


For example..

If you had a supermarket with conveyor belts shipping groceries to be packed. You paid people £7/hour to do the job.

A vacancy arises and you get 2 war vets badly injured apply for the job. They can pack at half the rate of the line but between them they can do just fine.


Do you tell them to sling their hooks as they aren't up to the job?

or do you set them on, turning away a perfectly suitable muslim candidate and double your costs?


I'm thinking in case 2 there may be folks considering a discrimination case.

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I thought the point was that many disabled people can't find work because they are unable to compete with able bodied people when it comes to the ability to perform certain jobs.


And they will be incapable of doing the job at the same speed etc. as others.

Therefore companies will pay them less and the state will pick up the bill to compensate them to the minimum wage. Meanwhile they are happy to be working, which is what many want.

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