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Some degree of privacy? So you want complete and utter anonymity on a public forum?.....Other conclusions can be drawn from that requirement! :)


Recent news about rape and death threats from other internet users is a very good reason for complete and utter anonymity whilst posting your thoughts for all to see.

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'Some degree of privacy' and 'complete and utter anonymity' aren't synonymous.


Ummmm...Isn't that what 'user names' are provided for?...I 'choose' not to bother...Look around at the wonderful array of names on here. That give the user 'some degree' of privacy. It's not like your ISP, IP and name and phone number are readily available is it? Just how much privacy would you want?

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Ummmm...Isn't that what 'user names' are provided for?...I 'choose' not to bother...Look around at the wonderful array of names on here. That give the user 'some degree' of privacy. It's not like your ISP, IP and name and phone number are readily available is it? Just how much privacy would you want?

Someone's ISP and IP address and, from that information, their possible location and place of work, are available to SF mods, for example, at the click of a button. Why someone might not want to give that random collection of strangers access to that information is not for you to judge.

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And for the people that might be attacked because someone doesn't like their opinion.


So if someone (for instance) threatens you on twitter or indeed on here, you would much rather be totally anonymous along with the perpetrator? So you have no recourse or means of tracing them or you?


This forum, along with twitter or any other forum are bound by the data protection act, and take any hint of breaching those rules, very seriously indeed.

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So if someone (for instance) threatens you on twitter or indeed on here, you would much rather be totally anonymous along with the perpetrator? So you have no recourse or means of tracing them or you?


This forum, along with twitter or any other forum are bound by the data protection act, and take any hint of breaching those rules, very seriously indeed.


If they have no way of finding out who I am the threat can be ignored, if I can be easily traced then there is something to be worried about until the police find them and lock them up, which will take time and might not happen.

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