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So if someone (for instance) threatens you on twitter or indeed on here, you would much rather be totally anonymous along with the perpetrator? So you have no recourse or means of tracing them or you?


This forum, along with twitter or any other forum are bound by the data protection act, and take any hint of breaching those rules, very seriously indeed.


If I am totally anonymous how could any threats become reality? They are just so much hot air.. obviously it's a different if the "victim" is identifiable...

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If they have no way of finding out who I am the threat can be ignored, if I can be easily traced then there is something to be worried about until the police find them and lock them up, which will take time and might not happen.


That's the point...you cannot 'easily' be traced!....So by your reckoning, a forum should just be a free-for-all, where anyone can say anything they like to anyone else, cos you're anonymous and can't be traced and you don't have to worry about it and can ignore it?....Oh, and how would the police trace them?....and lock these people up?


I'm afraid that's the 'bear garden' scenario I mentioned earlier. Would you really want that?


---------- Post added 20-10-2014 at 11:06 ----------


If I am totally anonymous how could any threats become reality? They are just so much hot air.. obviously it's a different if the "victim" is identifiable...


Of course it could happen. it might be your next door neighbour, the fella across the street....someone who's even been into your house for whatever reason...An ex husband/wife....There are a hundred and one possibilities why you might not be as anonymous as you think...


And even if your assertion is right, what about the perpetrator?


Anyway...twitter would fold tomorrow if everyone was anonymous....isn't that the point? Celebrities go on there to advertise their wares and make a presence for themselves....SF is entirely different.

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Only for the people who would post that sort of thing! :suspect:


No, for the people that don't wish to have their address known and their lives threatened...


---------- Post added 20-10-2014 at 11:09 ----------


That's the point...you cannot 'easily' be traced!....So by your reckoning, a forum should just be a free-for-all, where anyone can say anything they like to anyone else, cos you're anonymous and can't be traced and you don't have to worry about it and can ignore it?....Oh, and how would the police trace them?....and lock these people up?

No, being able to use a proxy doesn't stop the forum being moderated.

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No, for the people that don't wish to have their address known and their lives threatened...


But what's good for one, is good for another....So people who would threaten others get away with it too?


Where on here does it display your address?....or any other personal information about you?

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They get away with it anyway because the police don't have the resource to track them all down. So taking personal precautions is reasonable for some people.


Nobody said that such information was displayed. It's not that difficult in some cases, for someone to work out though, and that's without considering hacking the forum.

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Of course it could happen. it might be your next door neighbour, the fella across the street....someone who's even been into your house for whatever reason...An ex husband/wife....There are a hundred and one possibilities why you might not be as anonymous as you think...


And even if your assertion is right, what about the perpetrator?


Anyway...twitter would fold tomorrow if everyone was anonymous....isn't that the point? Celebrities go on there to advertise their wares and make a presence for themselves....SF is entirely different.


I'm not sure whether you're advocating anonymity or not :confused:

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No, for the people that don't wish to have their address known and their lives threatened...


---------- Post added 20-10-2014 at 11:09 ----------


No, being able to use a proxy doesn't stop the forum being moderated.


Granted....So a user gets banned for being offensive, insulting, threatening or some other reason, he disappears for a short while, uses a proxy and returns to carry on with impunity? Nothing to link him with his previous incarnation....!!! That's the dilemma.


The bottom line is.....Behave and there isn't a problem.....Complete anonymity doesn't work!

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Granted....So a user gets banned for being offensive, insulting, threatening or some other reason, he disappears for a short while, uses a proxy and returns to carry on with impunity? Nothing to link him with his previous incarnation....!!! That's the dilemma.


The bottom line is.....Behave and there isn't a problem.....Complete anonymity doesn't work!

... but in that case Pete, he'd just get banned again!


It keeps the mods in work and it boosts forum membership stats, so it's win-win! :)

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