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... but in that case Pete, he'd just get banned again!


It keeps the mods in work and it boosts forum membership stats, so it's win-win! :)


Hahahaha...Keeps the mods in work?....Why would we want to chase our tails all day?....I'd much rather log onto here and have nothing to do, but just enjoy chatting about whatever...have a laugh and 'enjoy' it.

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Granted....So a user gets banned for being offensive, insulting, threatening or some other reason, he disappears for a short while, uses a proxy and returns to carry on with impunity? Nothing to link him with his previous incarnation....!!! That's the dilemma.


The bottom line is.....Behave and there isn't a problem.....Complete anonymity doesn't work!


Isn't that what the "ignore" option is for...if you get fed up with one person's posts just ignore them and they've gone (out of your life anyway)

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Isn't that what the "ignore" option is for...if you get fed up with one person's posts just ignore them and they've gone (out of your life anyway)


Well yes theoretically it should be....But if someone quotes your post or the 'blocked' person's post then it's still visible to the other party...it's not a perfect system.

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Hahahaha...Keeps the mods in work?....Why would we want to chase our tails all day?....I'd much rather log onto here and have nothing to do, but just enjoy chatting about whatever...have a laugh and 'enjoy' it.

Hmmm... :huh:


... I'm not sure I can reply to that without starting the countdown clock to the thread being pulled! :(

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That's the point...you cannot 'easily' be traced!...

A forum user with the appropriate set of user privileges might easily trace another user's place of work, for example, from an appropriate IP address. While SF's mods might all be friendly, cuddly and not at all stalker-like is that the case elsewhere?


An internet user might simply want to minimise their digital footprint and their capacity to have their everyday internet activity 'shared'. Given that you broadcast what are presumably your real name and image, you might dump those users in the box marked 'paranoid'. However, to return to your original post:

...can't actually figure a reason for using a proxy server, other than to be mischievous...

I'm sure you can now acknowledge the existence of reasons for proxy use, other than to be 'mischievous', even if you don't agree with them and/or fail to understand them.

...So by your reckoning, a forum should just be a free-for-all, where anyone can say anything they like to anyone else, cos you're anonymous and can't be traced and you don't have to worry about it and can ignore it?...

The usual mod sanctions should deal with forum 'free-for-all' behaviour. That a forum zombie might return with an IP address that differs a bit from the one he had before usually doesn't make that zombie any less identifiable, at least in username terms. That the forum has a rule that multiple usernames aren't allowed, but bans on the basis of IP address and not (immediately) by using the mods' common sense, is a failing of the forum (if you agree with that particular forum rule).

....Oh, and how would the police trace them?....and lock these people up?

If someone uses a forum (or other means of online communication) to indulge in illegal activity, the police can potentially identify that user whether or not a proxy has been used.

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