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Anyone tried the clean 9 programme?


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Sorry Cyclone by using you as an example I invariably mis quoted you.That was wrong .

However you state detox diets are nonsense and that you cant detox your body.

A detox is not a diet,but please advise why a person cannot detox /cleanse their own body.

I can understand understand any ones cynisism on products making super claims about a product in order to make money from the unwary.But in this products instance,I have to back its authenticity of its quality

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Your liver and kidneys rid your body of toxins. You can't alter how they function or in any way "detox" by altering your diet.


I'll stress here I AM NOT condoning this clean 9 program in any way.


But, your liver and kidneys do rid your body of toxins, unless, as is often the case on a diet of processed 'foods', they are overloaded till they start to malfunction.


In which case, altering your diet, to one containing mainly actual foods (e.g. fruit, veg and very little processed 'food') not only will improve the way they function, but, is likely the only thing that will.


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 16:48 ----------


Hi Hallhorses.Thanks for your comments as I am very interested in how people find the product.Though not wishing to be a pedant,the cleanse 9 is a body cleanse and not a diet.

If the emphasis is put on the weight loss I guarentee that some bright spark will comment on how expensive the cleanse 9 is for weight loss like Cyclone has tried to do.


In fairness dude, it's just plain expensive full stop, isn't it :)


Especially when both weight loss and improved health can be obtained simply by eating real food and cutting the processed crap out.

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An overloaded liver is one that shows damage, you can overload it with alcohol for example.


If you eat a diet of rubbish, high salt, preservatives, etc, then your liver and kidneys might have to work harder.

But all you need to do to relieve them is (as you say pretty much) switch to eating healthily. They will take care of the rest.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there. I have used Clean 9 programme. A major part of the programme is to drink the Aloe Vera gel. The gel is very good for cleansing the gut and enabling toxins to be eliminated. This enables more of the nutrients that the body needs to be absorbed. I found that during the programme I felt well, I lost inches and some weight but by far the benefit for me was feeling more energised. I was also motivated to continue with healthy eating.

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Hi there. I have used Clean 9 programme. A major part of the programme is to drink the Aloe Vera gel. The gel is very good for cleansing the gut and enabling toxins to be eliminated. This enables more of the nutrients that the body needs to be absorbed. I found that during the programme I felt well, I lost inches and some weight but by far the benefit for me was feeling more energised. I was also motivated to continue with healthy eating.


Nice one. Well done for losing the weight and your new healthy eating regime - hope you can keep it up! :thumbsup:


...but your language is all wrong. "Detox" and "cleansing the gut" is just promotional jargon from companies eager to part you with your cash...with absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever

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Im a Forever Living distibutor and a personal trainer. I did it to kick start the weight loss becuse I was due to start the fitness clasess within 4 weeks. I lost half a stone in 9 days and another half stone in next two weeks and I was very pleased. My hubby did it and he lost just under a stone ( he does have a bit more to loose). After that he decided to do a FIT 1 programme, and since then he lost 2 stone, so he is happy too.Of course you can loose weight without it but you know what, when you pay that money, you will make sure you stick with it!

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Im a Forever Living distibutor and a personal trainer. I did it to kick start the weight loss becuse I was due to start the fitness clasess within 4 weeks. I lost half a stone in 9 days and another half stone in next two weeks and I was very pleased. My hubby did it and he lost just under a stone ( he does have a bit more to loose). After that he decided to do a FIT 1 programme, and since then he lost 2 stone, so he is happy too.Of course you can loose weight without it but you know what, when you pay that money, you will make sure you stick with it!


Forgive my cynicism, but:-


Most diets will achieve a dramatic weight loss in the first couple of weeks, before levelling off, because what you are losing is water, not fat.

This cleanse9 rubbish is just another "slimming tea" type scam combined with the pyramid selling ripoff.


Heathy eating and exercise is the key to successful weight loss, 24/7, 365. Not faddy cobblers like this.


Correction, Expensive, faddy, cobblers, like this.


I am with onewheeldave, on this 100%. "What it is, is just expensive, full stop".

Edited by Plain Talker
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Dear Plain Talker

I studied for 5 years I do know something about weight loss..

Of course healthy eating all year round is the best thing you can do, but I know only one person in whole world that does that.

Sometimes you need a bit of a kick start, I needed it because I could not get motivated to loose last stone after pregnancy. 4 weeks after I did C9 I lost all together just under a stone and a money I spend on it was a motive to carry on too.

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Dear Plain Talker

I studied for 5 years I do know something about weight loss..

Of course healthy eating all year round is the best thing you can do, but I know only one person in whole world that does that.

Sometimes you need a bit of a kick start, I needed it because I could not get motivated to loose last stone after pregnancy. 4 weeks after I did C9 I lost all together just under a stone and a money I spend on it was a motive to carry on too.


For all the protests, it still doesn't make snake oil a genuine medicine, you know.

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