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Do you just live your life for others?

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It's all very profound for a Sunday evening. But yeah, I'd agree to a certain extent most of my energies seem to be given over to other people - or at least I see it that way - others around me might have a different view.


That said, on the other side of the coin if I died tomorrow I'm not sure how many people would miss me after a few weeks.



Altogether now............................AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH :P

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we would miss you


Bless you sir. I've always said the Borg were misunderstood. :)


---------- Post added 19-10-2014 at 23:14 ----------


Altogether now............................AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH :P


I detect sarcasm you big meanie. ;)


But seriously, and I can't be the only one, I don't have a massive circle of friends and those I have they have busy lives and families and as such I'm not a massive part of their lives. Ergo I'm not expecting many to go into weeks of mourning if I got struck by a bus.


---------- Post added 19-10-2014 at 23:16 ----------


I try to help others but deliberately stay away because I'm very miserable which often makes them depressed. I only stay alive to stop my remaining family grieving. I don't enjoy anything anymore, the only slight pleasure in life now is shoplifting or parachute jumps, but the excitement and adrenaline is I used to feel is now almost gone.


I understand some of that.


Have you tried stealing parachutes?

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Mostly, but I don't mind. As you Paul McCartney said, "For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder." And there are plenty of people on here that make their world a little colder, I can tell you.

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Such as siblings, family, friends etc? If they wasn't around would be there any point to your existence?


No. (message must be longer).


---------- Post added 20-10-2014 at 14:13 ----------


I try to help others but deliberately stay away because I'm very miserable which often makes them depressed. I only stay alive to stop my remaining family grieving. I don't enjoy anything anymore, the only slight pleasure in life now is shoplifting or parachute jumps, but the excitement and adrenaline is I used to feel is now almost gone.


Have you been to see your GP? It sounds a lot like you are depressed.

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No, but on the other hand, there's not much satisfaction to be had just living for yourself (take it from someone who's tried) either. The point is to find these things out for yourself, be brave, don't just take other people's word for things, read widely, try different things ... get to know yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, what makes you happy.

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Being alone sometimes is good but nobody can do everything on their own. If they could that mean someone was perfect but there has never been a perfect human being. The truth is and some people may not like it, people need other people ... unless you want to be a hermit living in a cave or something but even then I suspect you'd have some kind of interaction with other people

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Some people need to feel needed. It gives them a sense of purpose. Others are able to 'take' from a relationship but don't know how to replenish it. I have been discussing several such examples today.


That was once said about me, and it is true. I had a lot of love to give, and nobody to give it to. (I am excluding extended family when I say that)

So my solution was voluntary work. I have been a Samaritan, a tenants rep, an appropriate adult, and a school governor. I have enjoyed each role, and I think I have helped a lot of people in various ways.


Age has crept up on me, and I no longer volunteer, but I do miss it.

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