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Shops – when to turn round and just say no (cancelling the transaction

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So you decided that they were rubbish based on them not weighing very much? And then decided to eat it yourself instead of giving it to your aunt? And then decided that it was the fault of the shop for selling it, not your fault for buying something just to break the silence?


Well, it's not good value is it if it's not got any weight to it? It had started raining by then anyway (i.e. when I left the shop) so that influenced my decision to eat it rather than take a 5 minute detour to give rubbish to my aunt. If the cake had been good I would have trekked all that extra distance because I know auntie would have been happy.

It was the fault of the shop and don't worry! I've named and shamed them to everyone at work!

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Moderator Message:


Well at the risk of being called a killjoy I'm going to close the thread, as the original question asked has been answered in various forms, so further discussion will most likely and in a lot more shouting.


Thank you all for your contributions.



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