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Vote for Sacking MPs

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I'm always a bit sceptical about populist-style politics like this, as it's not always a good thing. I mean what are a rules for sacking an MP? 5 years isn't really that long a time before you get the chance to vote them out, and if they do owt that bad they normally get forced to resign anyway.


But maybe it is a good idea, just playing devil's advocate really.

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I'm always a bit sceptical about populist-style politics like this, as it's not always a good thing. I mean what are a rules for sacking an MP? 5 years isn't really that long a time before you get the chance to vote them out, and if they do owt that bad they normally get forced to resign anyway.


But maybe it is a good idea, just playing devil's advocate really.


Oh, if only that were true.... MPs seem to have no shame nowadays and will cling on like limpets even after the most offensive breaches. Unfortunately the law can't always remove them either because of Parliamentary privilege.

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Unfortunately the law can't always remove them either because of Parliamentary privilege.


nothing to do with parliamentary privilege


---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 00:22 ----------


I keep getting emails about a vote going on for sacking MPs if they misbehave - apparently labour MPs aren't too keen on the idea.


I don't know if everyone is aware of the situation but here's the link if anyone is interested.




its not actually sacking them, its about forcing a by-election


the current proposal basically leaves it to a committee of mp's to decide whether or not another mp's behaviour has been such that it warrants him or her seeking a fresh mandate from the electorate. this has some rather obvious problems.


an alternative proposal is that a petition signed by at least a certain percentage of the electorate would be necessary. on the face of it this sounds good but it runs the very grave risk that a relatively small well funded and organised group or a media baron can basically hold an MP hostage, forcing endless by-elections because they don't get their own way. not particularly a good thing.


let's not forget that many advances in our society from the abolition of slavery to the passing of legislation protecting and equalising the rights of minorities has come about because MPs had the courage to ignore the electorate and unless a great deal of care is taken with this legislation the ability of MPs to do this will stop.


we elect representatives not delegates and Edmund Burke the founder of modern conservatism expresses it much better than i can


"Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion"

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