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Does marriage matter?

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Marriage is a personal choice. It is important to some, and not to others.


I too many people focus on the actually wedding and the big show for the day, and not what the commitment of marriage really means.


We have developed a throwaway society, and marriage/divorce has become a part of that.

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I think Marriage is a wonderful Institution!




I'm Just not ready to be Institutionalized yet...........


The old ones are the best ..


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 16:38 ----------


We have developed a throwaway society, and marriage/divorce has become a part of that.


well said ...

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Don't care which way round it is, although it is usually men paying women.

It really isn't fair at all. I recognise that nothing in the world is fair, but I dislike that they moved the goal posts after the "contract was made".



It's totally fair.



Yeah right, of course it is...


I currently have no reason to think you are not sane. So I can only assume that you are trying to be deliberately provocative because I doubt any sane man would have said that.


Tell you what cyclone when you or when you have talked to couple of a male, close relations or friends that have been through a supposedly amicable no fault divorce. Then I'm prepared to listen as to why you think the current system, which is in reality in the vast majority of cases men paying out and or losing out in regard to final settlement, is fair.




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I managed to separate amicably with my ex even though she turned into a horrible person towards the end. Marriage is OK if you find the right person. If you find that the person you married is not the one for you then I see no reason to remain in a situation that doesn't make you happy. There should be no stigma involved in divorce.

Also, there should be no problem if you don't want to be married. It isn't necessary at all.

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Ok so that's one.


I wonder how your friend manage that, just roll over, simply aquiesce perhaps?




2 actually, I managed it, still get on with the ex fine. Probably better now than ever. In fact I still get on with all ex's other than those I've lost contact with.


Thing is you sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. For all your protestations you probably have an ex with an equal story to tell about a crappy ex husband. It doesn't matter how others managed it, the point is they did..and you didn't.

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2 actually, I managed it, still get on with the ex fine. Probably better now than ever. In fact I still get on with all ex's other than those I've lost contact with.


Still your ex's though and they appear to get on with you now that they are your ex's. mmmmm


Thing is you sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. For all your protestations you probably have an ex with an equal story to tell about a crappy ex husband. It doesn't matter how others managed it, the point is they did..and you didn't.


Quite personal attempts at observations.. for someone that has never met me and knows nothing about me, and a sly personal attack. Always the recourse of those with little of merit to say on a subject.


Now show me where what I said about divorce being more financially punishing for men than women, or that women end up being better off than men after a divorce, is not generally true in the UK or similar democracies.




---------- Post added 28-10-2014 at 18:03 ----------


No, they both had jobs, they'd both contributed, they had no children.


They just split everything 50/50 and walked away.


I suspect that perhaps she did not choose to involve the courts.

If only that was the same for all couples or even just a lot more.


You still are only mentioning only one couple though.



Edited by Tommo68
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