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Tebbit says young unemployed should pull weeds for benefits.

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Surely, if they get money - they should earn it.

Pull weeds, or forget their dole money - seems fair to me.


How are you supposed to look for work while you're out pulling weeds all day?! When you're unemployed, looking for work should be your full time job!


---------- Post added 25-10-2014 at 14:05 ----------


So all you tax payers would prefer to pay them for doing nothing???


No, I'd prefer them to be looking for work!

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so hows that going to work with companies using workfare/zero hours contracts/agency work type jobs ? why should anyone lose the safety net of benefits only to be employed for a couple of weeks and start the procedure again ? turn your attention to these companies in giving people proper jobs and not pie in the sky schemes that don't work :roll:.


I have no idea why you think any of that is relevant to my posts, the safety net should be a temporary job in the public sector.


---------- Post added 25-10-2014 at 14:20 ----------


For the vast majority of people it is temporary.


I'm sure you could find some figures if you looked.


What does that have to do with my post?

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Just making it clear that for the vast majority the safety net is a temporary thing, they use, they find a new job, they carry on with life.


The amount spent on JSA is really very small. So why the desire to punish those who are claiming?

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Just making it clear that for the vast majority the safety net is a temporary thing, they use, they find a new job, they carry on with life.


The amount spent on JSA is really very small. So why the desire to punish those who are claiming?


A point I am already aware of and no one is suggesting punishing people, the idea is to help them by giving them something to do which will also benefit everyone else in society. If you are unfortunate enough to loose your job you would be guaranteed enough work in the community to keep you afloat until something better comes along.

Work is good for your health and well being, unemployment is bad for your health and well being.




Recent research shows that people in work tend to enjoy happier and healthier lives than people who are out of work.





So based on the fact that work is good for your health and unemployment is bad for your health it make sense to employ people instead of giving them money to sit at home.

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Just making it clear that for the vast majority the safety net is a temporary thing, they use, they find a new job, they carry on with life.


The amount spent on JSA is really very small. So why the desire to punish those who are claiming?


What saddens me is that few, if any, of those who want ever more punishing sanctions against the unemployed ever make reference to the fact that a huge amount of money allocated to those on benefits never gets taken up because those entitled to the benefits feel stigmatised and ashamed to claim. The treatment of the unemployed by populists in the press and parliament is shocking; and even more depressing is that those who hold such attitudes are usually 2 months wages above the gutter. Very sad :(


---------- Post added 25-10-2014 at 14:48 ----------


A point I am already aware of and no one is suggesting punishing people, the idea is to help them by giving them something to do which will also benefit everyone else in society. If you are unfortunate enough to loose your job you would be guaranteed enough work in the community to keep you afloat until something better comes along.

Work is good for your health and well being, unemployment is bad for your health and well being.




Recent research shows that people in work tend to enjoy happier and healthier lives than people who are out of work.





So based on the fact that work is good for your health and unemployment is bad for your health it make sense to employ people instead of giving them money to sit at home.


So the campaigns against scrounging families by some on here and in parliament and the press are motivated by the concern about the wellbeing of the unemployed?

Edited by Mister M
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A point I am already aware of and no one is suggesting punishing people, the idea is to help them by giving them something to do which will also benefit everyone else in society. If you are unfortunate enough to loose your job you would be guaranteed enough work in the community to keep you afloat until something better comes along.

Work is good for your health and well being, unemployment is bad for your health and well being.




Recent research shows that people in work tend to enjoy happier and healthier lives than people who are out of work.





So based on the fact that work is good for your health and unemployment is bad for your health it make sense to employ people instead of giving them money to sit at home.


Sorry, but that idea is so backwards.


How is someone supposed to look for work while they're pulling weeds? As I've already said, looking for work should be a full time job.

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Sorry, but that idea is so backwards.


How is someone supposed to look for work while they're pulling weeds? As I've already said, looking for work should be a full time job.


Every job I have ever had was found whilst I was working, I would hazard a guess that most people move from one job to another job and not from unemployment to a job.


Here's some job search advise.


Don’t make your job search more difficult by quitting the job you have. Your current job, much as you may hate it, makes your job search easier because it makes you more desirable as a job candidate.

Edited by SavannahP
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Every job I have ever had was found whilst I was working, I would hazard a guess that most people move from one job to another job and not from unemployment to a job.


Here's some job search advise.


Don’t make your job search more difficult by quitting the job you have. Your current job, much as you may hate it, makes your job search easier because it makes you more desirable as a job candidate.


That's not true though and it's not always possible. What about someone who is made redundant? Why should they be forced to pull weeds when they should be looking for work? Why should the unemployed be rubbing shoulders with people doing community service?? I'd rather see them being proactive, making phone calls, making appointments with agencies, attending interviews. Pulling weeds can be done by people who are employed to pull weeds!

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What saddens me is that few, if any, of those who want ever more punishing sanctions against the unemployed ever make reference to the fact that a huge amount of money allocated to those on benefits never gets taken up because those entitled to the benefits feel stigmatised and ashamed to claim. The treatment of the unemployed by populists in the press and parliament is shocking; and even more depressing is that those who hold such attitudes are usually 2 months wages above the gutter. Very sad :


Or even in the gutter. The sadness is they can't attack what they aspire to be, and dislike what they are, but it's much easier to attack yourself by seemingly attacking those that are similar because what they aspire to is so far out of their reach. It's a self inflicting thing mostly imo. The media helps to keep the disenfranchised at logger heads with one another.

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