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Tebbit says young unemployed should pull weeds for benefits.

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Just because you think something is bleeding obvious doesn't make it a fact. Exercise and fresh air are very good for your mental and physical health and there are plenty of studies to prove it.


Again, that's bleeding obvious! Nothing stops an unemployed person getting exercise and fresh air!

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Again, that's bleeding obvious! Nothing stops an unemployed person getting exercise and fresh air!


And there is nothing wrong with them being employed to work out in the fresh air, it's a win win, they get exercise, fresh air and money, society gets weed and litter free parks, roads and pavements.

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And there is nothing wrong with them being employed to work out in the fresh air, it's a win win, they get exercise, fresh air and money, society gets weed and litter free parks, roads and pavements.


There is plenty wrong. I want the unemployed to be looking for work. Nothing else! You don't need a stupid study to prove that looking for work results in getting a job faster than picking weeds.

People pay NI for such situations. Please explain how staying at home, looking for work, using your free gym access and doing some gardening between looking for work is worse for someone's health????

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There is plenty wrong. I want the unemployed to be looking for work. Nothing else! You don't need a stupid study to prove that looking for work results in getting a job faster than picking weeds.


And I don't want anyone to be unemployed, it obvious that if people are working they will still have time to look for a better job, and that their chance of finding one increases.





People pay NI for such situations. Please explain how staying at home, looking for work, using your free gym access and doing some gardening between looking for work is worse for someone's health????




Please show me a study which proves that that is what the vast majority of long term unemployed people do.

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And I don't want anyone to be unemployed, it obvious that if people are working they will still have time to look for a better job, and that their chance of finding one increases.


It's also obvious that people will find work faster if they treat looking for a job as a full time job. How can their chance of finding work increase if they are spending less time looking for a job?? :huh:


Please show me a study which proves that that is what the vast majority of long term unemployed people do.


I'm talking about someone who has paid their NI and is still within the first 6 months of cover it provides. Those people should be doing everything they possibly can to find work........real work!


Why would you want a fully qualified accountant (just an example *other professions are suitable) picking weeds instead of looking for work??

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There is plenty wrong. I want the unemployed to be looking for work. Nothing else! You don't need a stupid study to prove that looking for work results in getting a job faster than picking weeds.

People pay NI for such situations. Please explain how staying at home, looking for work, using your free gym access and doing some gardening between looking for work is worse for someone's health????


If you don't feed it it will die an agonizing death. It gets a ban but after a short period it goes into withdrawal. You're the life blood it needs to exist, those around it have been depleted...you are now its victim.

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If you don't feed it it will die an agonizing death. It gets a ban but after a short period it goes into withdrawal. You're the life blood it needs to exist, those around it have been depleted...you are now its victim.


Sad though isn't it?! It's obviously Smithy again, but why does he/she/it do it in the first place?? I bet he/she/it would argue with their reflection in an empty room with a mirror in it!:hihi:

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I can't comment on every internet troll, but from what I've viewed of them on this site, most trolls tend to attack from an extreme right wing perspective - has anyone else noticed that? They usually goad others with their attacks on the unemployed, immigrants, people in social housing, low paid etc....

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I can't comment on every internet troll, but from what I've viewed of them on this site, most trolls tend to attack from an extreme right wing perspective - has anyone else noticed that? They usually goad others with their attacks on the unemployed, immigrants, people in social housing, low paid etc....


I think the key words are "on this site" If you have a site that is generally left leaning, then most of the trolling attacks will be to post inflammatory right wing views.


I know a few other sites where exactly the reverse is true - generally centrist or right wing and the trolls post from a strong left leaning position... I don't think you can really draw any inference about the average troll from the stuff they post - they just pick whatever will elicit a response.

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