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Tebbit says young unemployed should pull weeds for benefits.

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I'm not sure he was equating them with low level criminals I see that they are mentioned in the left wing rag, but I would like to hear/see his exact quote in context to judge for myself. If he was equating them then it would be wrong on his part in my view.


I don't think someone on benefits should earn as much as someone doing a job, so I cannot agree with your suggestion of paying them NMW.


Eh? But they would be doing a job - we could call them oooh, I don't know, gardening maintainance operatives. It's a job. Pay them. There plenty of far more frivolous occupations that get paid, why not weeding?

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Eh? But they would be doing a job - we could call them oooh, I don't know, gardening maintainance operatives. It's a job. Pay them. There plenty of far more frivolous occupations that get paid, why not weeding?


Workfare is quite a good idea. Why on earth we need to import labour is beyond my comprehension when we are paying people to be on benefits

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Workfare is quite a good idea. Why on earth we need to import labour is beyond my comprehension when we are paying people to be on benefits


What do you do for a living Ron? I want to say adult erotic entertainment star but feel you might not be.


But let's say you are. What if lord tebbit said there isn't enough british pornography and we should get british people to do it for benifits instead of paying foreigners. Would that be alright? Wheres the line?

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Eh? But they would be doing a job - we could call them oooh, I don't know, gardening maintainance operatives. It's a job. Pay them. There plenty of far more frivolous occupations that get paid, why not weeding?
Its not that easy though! Pay them NMW with what? Its a job that doesn't otherwise get done so there is no justification for paying them anything, nevermind nigh on a grand of tax money per month.


The idea is that it gives people something to do and helps the wider community.

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The point he is making is perfectly valid. It is inhuman and cruel to allow people, particularly young people to sit at home doing nothing and drawing benefits. All UK citizens should be required to work as long as they are capable of doing so.


You do it then. I suppose you think they should me made to wear uniforms too and removed from the right to vote

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You do it then. I suppose you think they should me made to wear uniforms too and removed from the right to vote


I think there is a section of the community who DO refuse to work, because they are lazy workshy wasters. If this scheme was aimed at that sector, would that suit you? It shouldnt be hard to differentiate who the shirkers are, so why the hell not?

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Its not that easy though! Pay them NMW with what? Its a job that doesn't otherwise get done so there is no justification for paying them anything, nevermind nigh on a grand of tax money per month.


The idea is that it gives people something to do and helps the wider community.


So it's not a job that needs doing then. Maybe tebbit could take a break talking out of his hat and pull a few weeds. If the community wants to keep their locale tidy they can - and often do.

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What do you do for a living Ron? I want to say adult erotic entertainment star but feel you might not be.


But let's say you are. What if lord Tebbit said there isn't enough British pornography and we should get British people to do it for benefits instead of paying foreigners. Would that be alright? Where's the line?


I accept that's a problem, but I suspect there are not many people that could live up to my erm ... shall we say reputation ...:hihi::gag:


Seriously though, it is not ideal that they take someone else's job, so probably a non-starter. I just hate the idea that people are rotting away not working. It is so bad for the soul.

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I think there is a section of the community who DO refuse to work, because they are lazy workshy wasters. If this scheme was aimed at that sector, would that suit you? It shouldnt be hard to differentiate who the shirkers are, so why the hell not?


I don't doubt that. There are a section of society who will refuse to work and will rely on benifits ad infinitum. Do you think this lot will do a decent job of the weeding? Will they be supervised - more money. Why they lose benefits for missing a weed or doing a crap job?


There are a section who won't work. That isn't everyone who is unemployed. Pay the shirkers benifits and stop wasting anymore time and money and give that time and money to the unemployed who are trying to get on or get work in the form of better training etc.

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