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Harry Roberts to be freed

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An attack on a Policeman is considered an attack on society, so the punishment is greater.


When I first joined HMRC I was told that if I were attacked whilst working the sentence would be more severe for the attacker as I was on Crown business.


Didn't make me feel better about the prospects of being assualted though.

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life should mean life for all murderers.


if, you are you willing to pay the millions of pounds it would cost to keep an impulsive 17 year knife murderer, who will get a life sentence (there is no other sentence in Britain, for murder) in prison for 80 years.

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An attack on a Policeman is considered an attack on society, so the punishment is greater.


Considered by whom? Who is it that values the fabric of society more than human life?


I certainly don't value the fabric of society, more than my own life; or value the life of a policeman, or anyone else; more than my own.


To me, what you're saying, is indicative of a corrupt society; and the more corrupt a society is, the greater the disparity between punishment for killing a civilian, vs, punishment for killing an agent of society.


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 18:45 ----------


When I first joined HMRC I was told that if I were attacked whilst working the sentence would be more severe for the attacker as I was on Crown business.


Yes; of course it would be. The powers that be, who are running the shop, are in the business of staying in power, and are naturally going to protect their own.


I wonder what influence they exert upon the judiciary though, in order to get them to impose toucher sentences for crimes against people who work for the 'Crown'...

Edited by Waldo
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oh shut up. When people beat up public servants like traffic wardens and police offficers, they are going to get higher prison sentences, than if they beat up just anybody. Even when they don't murder them.

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I think I agree with you, with the exception that police actually put themselves in harms way to protect the rest of us. So perhaps the added deterent of extra punishment is necessary.


A friend of mine was murdered by her ex. He never gave up the location of her body and was released some years back. From memory i think he served 12 years. It may have been a bit more. He murdered this girl, hid her body and NEVER told anyone where she is. Her parents cant lay her to rest, i still have a hole in my heart and this ******* is out and free.

Tell me please why her life is worth less than a police officers or a tax collectors?

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if, you are you willing to pay the millions of pounds it would cost to keep an impulsive 17 year knife murderer, who will get a life sentence (there is no other sentence in Britain, for murder) in prison for 80 years.


I had to think about it ,but yes i would .Perhaps if people who behave in this way would get the message. 80 years is one hell of a holiday inside the big house.

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A friend of mine was murdered by her ex. He never gave up the location of her body and was released some years back. From memory i think he served 12 years. It may have been a bit more. He murdered this girl, hid her body and NEVER told anyone where she is. Her parents cant lay her to rest, i still have a hole in my heart and this ******* is out and free.

Tell me please why her life is worth less than a police officers or a tax collectors?


It isn't, but you probably already know that. What the system projects is..kill an officer and the punishment will be more severe because those officers by default put themselves between you (the public) and them (the offenders) they protect you, that's why when the shid hits the fan we go screaming to them, therefore are far more vulnerable as targets to violent crime. It has nothing to do with "worth", but deterrence. Comparing police fatalities and figures with other countries, statistically we seem to be doing a pretty good job btw.

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