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UK told to pay £1.7bn extra to EU

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I think it is disgusting asking us to pay extra money, and not even given us much notice to pay it. They probably want more money from us to help bale out other countries.


The Anti-EU right wingers in Cameron's own party want to push for a referendum on EU membership before the next general election.



It's all a bit Wonga like.

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Whats frustrating is that its not uncommon for people in this country to work 50-60hrs per week as times are hard and the economy is in trouble.


But when you go to places like Spain, have a better quality of life and work about 35 hrs a week but their country is struggling so we have to bail them out.


Unfair as we are the hardest working people in Europe


Better quality of life? If you are already minted. Unemployment at 23% and youth unemployment at over 50%. I know where I'd rather be.


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 23:48 ----------


We agree on disagreeing :)


There is still a lot of misinformation around the EU in this country though, another popular one is that 'we never voted for it' which you dispel quite nicely here ;)


Not in its current format - or even close to it.

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Judging by the look on Cameron's face, he feels exactly like I did when I got an extra tax demand. Now if he doesn't pay his bill.......


Seriously though, as with tax, I don't think people mind paying so much if they at least know it will be spent wisely and to the benefit of the people it's intended for.

Unfortunately the EU does not have a good record in this area, it seems to be a byeword for waste.

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From St Elsewhere ... This is not my scribbling


David Cameron trying to play the British public for uneducated gullible fools once again after claiming that the 1.7 billion pound Bill from the EU came right out of the blue !! He is of course lying because he was warned by the office of national statistics FIVE MONTHS ago that because of George Osbourn"s fiddled growth figures, that include and I kid you not, the "black market" and other illicit activities as part of the countries GDP. the country could now expect to pay extra into the EU as AGREED by David Cameron in 2010, do you think that if the French economy had outpaced ours Cameron would not expect them to deliver some of that growth back into the EU ? You can not suddenly back out of a binding agreement because it no longer suits you. Cameron made his stinking bed and now he has to lie in it BUT Cameron makes a mockery of the whole country with his winging over a situation he personally sighned up the British tax payer for and which he knew was coming back to haunt him about five months ago, his childish rantings are nothing short of a national embarrassment at his comical captain Mannering like verbal assault on Europe.


I have commentated on politics for over twenty years and I have been critical of a lot of politicians particularly Tony Blair but even with the Iraqi war thrown in I have never ever known such a dishonest government and a Prime Minister who is as deceitful and who is a consistent and constant liar as David Cameron!! This Tory cabinet have been caught out on a almost weekly basis of making up statistics (Iain Duncan Smith and George Osborne in particular) lying about growth and employment and welfare and immigration and the NHS and the general state of the country, they have thrown the rule book out the window when it comes to bending the political truth because they just outright lie about anything and everything and David Cameron lies about the most pointless things as well like claiming he brought a pasty from a Greggs that did not exist or that he voted on pop idol for Will Young for his daughter even though she was not even born at the time Will Young was on pop idol!! He just lies it is shameful to think we have a pathological liar as a British PM and he is also lying about this sorry saga as well and Angela Merkel told Cameron that to his face yesterday when she was overheard telling Cameron "" come on David you knew about this "" and as the truth is now gradually leaking out the latest is that George Osborne knew but forgot to tell Dave that the EU wanted nearly 2 billion off him !! It is quite frankly ridiculous, much like Cameron.


We now look like a country who would have happily accepted ( and HAVE accepted in the past huge EU rebates ) from other EU countries if our economy was still negative but because we are in growth, a growth which in fact should be much stronger than it is with latest figures suggesting we are stalling once again because wages are so low, and now we are trying to back out of our end of the deal !! It really is very un British. David Cameron took a gamble and lost 1.7 billion pounds of OUR money, so shut up and pay up and just do the normal Tory trick of hitting the low paid with more cuts and misery to re balance the books. Ohh how the millionaires must be loving that huge tax cut they received even when the country was in its deepest modern day recession but Cameron still had 3 billion pounds of YOUR money to cover that little sweetner for him and his ilk.


David Cameron knew this adjustment was coming but was wishing like a mad man that it would come after the Rochester by election as usual he got caught out and his temper tantrum and empty threat that he won't pay it on the 1st of December but might pay it on the 2nd is laughable, and the other European superpowers were literally sniggering at the flouncy posh boy having his little hissy fit.


The thing that really sticks in his throat is the concept that the more money the country makes the more it has to pay !! Just like tax the more you earn the more you pay, but the problem is the Tory mind set is the more wealth you get the less money you should pay out ! and the more you should keep and let the people below you pay your share.


David Cameron is a liar and a bloody stupid one at that... and the idiotic Tory fan club think Dave is making a stand !! they are the ones that are truly uneducated and hang on to every lie that spills from Cameron's lips, where as we on this page are a little more enlightened than those nodding Tory sheep.

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And the EU exports far more to the UK than we export to them. Next.



If fifty percent of the UKs export-partners all of a sudden levy excise duty that hurts the UK far more than the EU is hurt by one of their export-partners that accounts for less than 10 percent.

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The poor better put their selves on standby, I can feel another Tax coming on, what could it be put on this time? bedroom Tax was a good en, Oh! here we go, Bog Tax, if you have more than one Bog get ready, or it could be down to how many cupboards or wardrobes you have, I wouldn't put anything past this Devious lot, CONservatives, more like CONmen.:suspect:

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The poor better put their selves on standby, I can feel another Tax coming on, what could it be put on this time? bedroom Tax was a good en, Oh! here we go, Bog Tax, if you have more than one Bog get ready, or it could be down to how many cupboards or wardrobes you have, I wouldn't put anything past this Devious lot, CONservatives, more like CONmen.:suspect:



if Cameron backs down from his refusal to pay this to the EU then it really does show that we need a sweeping change in the UK and theres only one candidate party that can sort it out:o

the bedroom tax as you call it is not a tax, its a levy on unused council housing and if you want the luxury of having an extra room then you should pay for it and in any case the levy goes straight to the council involved not central Gov.

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If fifty percent of the UKs export-partners all of a sudden levy excise duty that hurts the UK far more than the EU is hurt by one of their export-partners that accounts for less than 10 percent.


Is that a fact. If all Volkswagen exports to the UK are hit with import duty (Seat, Skoda, VW, Audi, won't that make UK manufactured cars rather more attractive here. We sell our cars all over the world and whilst an import tarrif imposed on our exports to the EU ight sting a bit it wouldn't be half as big a sting as imposing UK import tarrifs on their production. But all this is pie in the sky. Why woule Europe want to put up trade barriers with the UK? They trade freely with 3/4 of the countries on the planet.

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