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UK told to pay £1.7bn extra to EU

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Odd that the EU's two biggest advocates are getting a rebate. I didn't see that one coming!!


I did Jonny5 - Germany and France want to rule Europe!!!


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 11:20 ----------


Hmm, IF Cameron caves on this we'll have a Labour Government at the next GE, as more voters defect to UKIP.


If he tells the EU to foxtrot oscar, he'll be able to tell the British public that it's possible to stand up to the EU, and that there's no need to leave it...



Of course we'll end up paying most of it.


Would be interesting to see what they can/could do if we refused to pay!


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 11:22 ----------


Hopefully, the ConDems will not miss this gold-plated solid platinum opportunity to give each of Juncker, Hollande, Merkel and Farage a black eye in one fell swoop. One can but hope...

Only the feeble-minded ones ;)


So you're quite happy to be giving the EU nearly a billion a month and suffer a trade deficit with them? Wait for TTIP to take effect!

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I did Jonny5 - Germany and France want to rule Europe!!!


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 11:20 ----------



Would be interesting to see what they can/could do if we refused to pay!


Hi Frederick, still waiting for you to admit that your fellow dialysis patients are in fact British Pakistani and not immigrants.


But aside from that, it would indeed be interesting, it would be awesome! The EU would fine the UK for breaching a commission agreement that it agreed to in full knowledge of the facts.


Of course our hero Cameron would then refuse to pay that, which would result in another fine.


Refusing to pay that and having whipped up the British population in a state of nationalist frenzy the EU would tell the UK it was no longer a member of the EU with immediate effect, destabilising the whole of the EU but the UK in particular. The economy would crash-dive harder even then when the banks were failing and companies would flee the UK left, right and centre.


Awesome thing to look forward to.

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As I understand it the UK economy did better than expected since 1995 and therefore has to pay more money. It isn't a recent thing.


"Eurostat concluded that the UK economy has been doing much better than previously assumed since 1995, relative to other European countries, and that British contributions needed to be upped." http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/23/uk-european-commission-eu-budget-contribution


So again, is the German economy better than the UK economy?


Sorry Mecky - so we do well, Germany and France don't, so we have to compensate them? I'm sure Sainsbury's would gladly give Morrison's the odd million or two as they're not doing so well!!

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Britain earns more than expected so is being taxed more. Surely you'd have thought that acceptable given your previous comments. Or is it a case of the boot on your foot now and you suddenly don't like the idea?


As Mecky would say..if they don't like it they can always leave...

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Irrelevant, it is to do with the different manner of calculating it, in the new calculation method the German economy is found to be smaller than previously thought and the UK economy bigger than previously thought.


It's not irrelevant at all but I remember reading that the continental economies include illegal activities in their calculations. Fair enough. Last summer we saw stories about the UK could adopt similar practices, there was a thread on here about it. Whether or not the UK does is a different matter.


The point I was making is that if we as a nation earn more, tax evasion aside, we should pay more in, but we should get a bigger rebate if we didn’t do as well. The reason I mentioned Germany is because I suspect their economy may be bigger than ours, even though it’s shrinking, but they’re apparently getting a bigger rebate than us, if you believe the press, and that doesn’t seem fair. I’ve looked all over the Internet to try and find a single reference that lists the 2014 2nd qtr for the EU economies by GDP, their contributions and rebate levels but I suspect that information may be being withheld.


---------- Post added 24-10-2014 at 11:31 ----------


Sorry Mecky - so we do well, Germany and France don't, so we have to compensate them? I'm sure Sainsbury's would gladly give Morrison's the odd million or two as they're not doing so well!!


That's what the EU is about, if we don't do well we should get a bigger rebate

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Irrelevant, it is to do with the different manner of calculating it, in the new calculation method the German economy is found to be smaller than previously thought and the UK economy bigger than previously thought.


Where in the rules does it say we have to bail them out? They didn't help when we had a recession!

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Genuine question..why would the UK be more destabilised than Europe? Europe is struggling now...what effect will losing our "subscription" have?


If the UK refused the EU on this, how would that come across to third parties it deals with? CEO's and leaders of nations don't dote on electioneering drivel, they deal with facts. If the UK reneges on an agreement that it is a party off simply because it doesn't like it, how is that going to come across to all those businesses who put money into the UK by opening factories and offices here? Who is to say that next time there is a trade conflict with China the UK won't simply pull out off the agreements it already has in place?


Although internally in the UK people have very strong opinions about the EU, the simple fact to the outside world is that the UK is a member of the EU, they based their decisions on that fact. Altering that relationship effectively unilaterally is going to upset a lot of decision makers.

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Genuine question..why would the UK be more destabilised than Europe? Europe is struggling now...what effect will losing our "subscription" have?


By subscription you mean leaving the EU? We've been over that god knows how many times

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