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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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The logic should be quite clear to anyone who understands logic.


The Muslim men who insist upon their women wearing the burka are doing so for reasons of their own which are nothing to do with any religious requirement.

However your analysis relies on the presumption that Muslim men are the sole arbiters of what Muslim women wear.


Irregardless, non Muslims dictating what Muslim women wear is no better (or worse) than Muslim men doing it and curing the problem of demanding/domineering Muslim males won't be addressed by replacing one form of oppression with another.

They are imposing their will upon another person for their own gratification, this is otherwise known as being a control freak.

Again, you're overlaying your belief on why women wear the burka based on a presumption which may well be false, would you seek to convince burka wearers who do so by choice that their view is misguided?

The newsagent on the other hand was merely explaining to a non Muslim that no such instruction was contained in the Quran.He then gave his opinion as to that behaviour, he didn't however go on to state that he was going to insist that his view would be imposed upon anyone.

Given the nature of the thread that view is irrelevant, since we're discussing whether non Muslims (who presumably have no religious reason to do so) should be allowed to wear the burka.


That is known as expressing an opinion.


Now, do you comprehend the difference there?


I think you fail to comprehend that his opinion is unimportant when assessing the rights of people to wear what they choose, that's what the thread's about.

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That might be true, and it might also be a result of indoctrination and a bit of 'Stockholm syndrome'.


All religions are to a greater or lesser degree misogynist, Islam takes it to unacceptable degrees in my view.


That does not apply to all Muslims, Turkey is Muslim and you never see a burka, most Turkish women dress the same as our women and the only difference is that a few wear headscarves to conceal their hair.

Yes well in Turkey I think the burka is banned in some public areas, or if not banned, discouraged.


In spite of my own feelings regarding face to face communication, i wouldn't wish to see a ban imposed here, as in France. Though I gather the majority of Muslims living there don't have any objection to the ban which they probably wouldn't have here if a ban was imposed.

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Plenty to go round as i buy in bulk in readiness for any thread that mentions Muslims/Islam/Burka or Immigration ,as you can always guarantee the Lefties will turn up to play the race card .


yes I agree with you about the lefties.


Wish I had some popcorn to eat when the Agenda is on tonight. Nigel Farage is one of the gust speakers.


I agree with what he says about the Burka, let them wear it in their own homes but remove in public places.







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yes I agree with you about the lefties.


Wish I had some popcorn to eat when the Agenda is on tonight. Nigel Farage is one of the gust speakers.


I agree with what he says about the Burka, let them wear it in their own homes but remove in public places.


An idea which is beyond daft, considering that the Muslim woman does not need to cover inside her home, only in public.

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An idea which is beyond daft, considering that the Muslim woman does not need to cover inside her home, only in public.


I don't think a Muslim woman needs to cover (with the burka) anywhere, it should be her choice. I'm sure that's what you meant though.

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yes I agree with you about the lefties.


Wish I had some popcorn to eat when the Agenda is on tonight. Nigel Farage is one of the gust speakers.


I agree with what he says about the Burka, let them wear it in their own homes but remove in public places.


Same goes for motorcyclists when they're paying for petrol or nipping into the shop. Get them to remove their helmet completely, not just lift the visor so you can only see their eyes!

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However your analysis relies on the presumption that Muslim men are the sole arbiters of what Muslim women wear.


Irregardless, non Muslims dictating what Muslim women wear is no better (or worse) than Muslim men doing it and curing the problem of demanding/domineering Muslim males won't be addressed by replacing one form of oppression with another.

Again, you're overlaying your belief on why women wear the burka based on a presumption which may well be false, would you seek to convince burka wearers who do so by choice that their view is misguided?

Given the nature of the thread that view is irrelevant, since we're discussing whether non Muslims (who presumably have no religious reason to do so) should be allowed to wear the burka.



I think you fail to comprehend that his opinion is unimportant when assessing the rights of people to wear what they choose, that's what the thread's about.


So my analysis is a presumption? What is yours?


Lets look at the possibilities shall we?


Islam, a faith in which many adherents hold women in contempt.


A faith where many regard women as the property of men and where women have been executed by Islamic courts for adultery, and where other women have been killed by their own families for being raped.


Not all Muslims think like that but I'll hazzard a guess that those who do are in favour of the burka.


So what are the probable reasons for wearing the burka?


Number 1, it is the woman's choice, she insists upon wearing it, any wishes of her husband are disregarded by her, she is a strong minded independent woman and She decides what She will wear.


Number 2, the husband who regards her as his property and requires her to walk several paces behind him has made the decision as to what she will wear in public.


Tough one this, and we wouldn't want to be presumptuous would we?


So what do you think is the most likely explanation for Muslim women wearing the burka?


You mentioned logic earlier, despite the fact you appear to have only a vague idea as to how it works.


May I suggest therefore that you employ logic in the form of Occum's razor in this case.


Google it if you are unfamiliar with it.


As for the OP, as currently we can wear what we want in this country, with a few understandable exceptions then yes, you can wear one if you want, although why you would want to is another question.


Oh, and I think you may have failed to comprehend that your opinion is unimportant when anyone takes into consideration your inability to put forward a reasonable valid argument based on anything other than your personal prejudices. :)

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Not always. Some of those women do so out of choice, often they are quite strong willed and independent.


I wasn't actually aware that a burka was a national flag.


An idea which is beyond daft, considering that the Muslim woman does not need to cover inside her home, only in public.


Some muslim women have to hide their faces from their partners. A relative of mine worked in the registrar office, and when they came to register their wedding. The women had to be taken into a room with the registrar to show her face so her partner could not see it. On the day of their wedding the same process had to be repeated before the registrar could marry them.

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Some muslim women have to hide their faces from their partners. A relative of mine worked in the registrar office, and when they came to register their wedding. The women had to be taken into a room with the registrar to show her face so her partner could not see it. On the day of their wedding the same process had to be repeated before the registrar could marry them.


The lady in question was not married to the man in question/ not his partner at that point, therefore (if she was very strictly adherent) he was not muharram to her, so she would have kept covered. This also happens in very fruhm (strictly observant) Jewish society.

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So my analysis is a presumption? What is yours?


Lets look at the possibilities shall we?


Islam, a faith in which many adherents hold women in contempt.


A faith where many regard women as the property of men and where women have been executed by Islamic courts for adultery, and where other women have been killed by their own families for being raped.


Not all Muslims think like that but I'll hazzard a guess that those who do are in favour of the burka.


So what are the probable reasons for wearing the burka?


Number 1, it is the woman's choice, she insists upon wearing it, any wishes of her husband are disregarded by her, she is a strong minded independent woman and She decides what She will wear.


Number 2, the husband who regards her as his property and requires her to walk several paces behind him has made the decision as to what she will wear in public.


Tough one this, and we wouldn't want to be presumptuous would we?


So what do you think is the most likely explanation for Muslim women wearing the burka?


You mentioned logic earlier, despite the fact you appear to have only a vague idea as to how it works.


May I suggest therefore that you employ logic in the form of Occum's razor in this case.


Google it if you are unfamiliar with it.


As for the OP, as currently we can wear what we want in this country, with a few understandable exceptions then yes, you can wear one if you want, although why you would want to is another question.


Oh, and I think you may have failed to comprehend that your opinion is unimportant when anyone takes into consideration your inability to put forward a reasonable valid argument based on anything other than your personal prejudices. :)


You're consistently trying to derail the thread, it's about the acceptability of non Muslims wearing the burka if they choose to do so.


The whys and wherefores of burka wearing is none of my business, whether they're Muslims or not, consequently I'm not forming any judgements on their reasons for doing so (or not).

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