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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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I did answer it- but the problem is Taj is a rejector of hadeeth- and people like him I have debated (and won) against on many occassions.


The issue you have with people like him is how do they justify the acts like prayer/fasting/charity etc that do get mentioned in the Qu'ran- but are not explained but through the authentic narrations.


He once was caught saying he accepts authentic narrations (that are transmitted with an unbroken chain and attributed to Muhammad)- yet still rejects what he finds unsuitable?!


So how does he qualify as a 'scholar' as most Muslims do not see him as someone who carries any real authority/voice for Muslim world.


The question in point, there are authentic traditions that state (and majority of scholars of hadeeth and fiqh accept) that women at time of ihram should not wear a nikab or covering that physically touches the skin (hence the ommission of gloves/hats). This is based on fact the wife of Muhammad, Aishah (and other women) would simply draw a cloth over their faces when men would be near- so as to hide their face (which is what some women do today).


In Mecca, the Saudi police would in fact encourage you to cover up, not cover down or remove veils. If a woman is used to wearing a veil- she can use a cloth to cover her face (without it touching it) and there are special headscarves that allow this.


So covering the face is not forbidden- as the narration we have supports this (which taj would like to deny)- but lets us get one thing right- I also hold this view, and that is that it comes to a matter of choice and faith.


No one should be forced to wear it but at the sametime, be forced not to should they prefer to observe this form of dress.


I trust you're not skilled in classical Arabic or studies of fiqh and hadeeth- so do tread carefully if you want to drag this issue with me further.


You are a most amusing fellow but appear to be suffering under a misconception.


You see I have no wish to debate any religion with anyone, all religions were created in the feeble imaginations of man, usually in order to gain money and power for the so called prophets, priests,rabbi's Imam's etc.Debating religion is an otiose pursuit.


Should there be a creator then I am sure it holds us in complete indifference.


My point is very simple, it is completely against the custom of this country to walk about and otherwise interact with people whilst hiding your face.


As there is no requirement for this in the beliefs of those who do it I would like them to show some courtesy to the people who they have chosen to live with and abandon this practice.


Simple as that.

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Why would you wear one if your not of that faith?. Someone who is not Jewish would not wear the robes or a person who is not Sikh would not wear a turban?. English people cannot be Muslim there is too much of a divide between the western world and our beliefs and the eastern world and their beliefs. It just does not work for example if a woman meets and marries a Muslim man and converts to Islam. I am sorry but to see a white British woman wearing a Burkha is just wrong.

Edited by DaisyDuke84
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Why would you wear one if your not of that faith?. Someone who is not Jewish would not wear the robes or a person who is not Sikh would not wear a turban?. English people cannot be Muslim there is too much of a divide between the western world and our beliefs and the eastern world and their beliefs. It just does not work for example if a woman meets and marries a Muslim man and converts to Islam. I am sorry but to see a white British woman wearing a Burkha is just wrong.

what about tommy cooper he wore a fez:roll::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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It isn't a prejudice it's an amusement, and you didn't talk did you?


I'm 67 by the way, but young at heart. :D


I've always called people dude. Guess it's just something that's common within my circle of friends and working colleagues?

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