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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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I came upon these Youtube clip of a Muslim man getting very hot under the collar about non muslims wearing burkas.





What are you thoughts?


Simply wearing it isn't a problem. As far as I'm aware, the burka has no sacred significance. It does, however, have a very strong association with Muslim peoples and some could see it as somehow mocking them, although I don't see it myself.


It was hard to understand what the angry Asian man was saying, but it was obvious he wasn't happy. I could hear him calling them racist but I didn't see any evidence of this.

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Simply wearing it isn't a problem. As far as I'm aware, the burka has no sacred significance. It does, however, have a very strong association with Muslim peoples and some could see it as somehow mocking them, although I don't see it myself.


It was hard to understand what the angry Asian man was saying, but it was obvious he wasn't happy. I could hear him calling them racist but I didn't see any evidence of this.


Agreed. What was obvious was assault by the Asian on the older chap and the removal of the headgear by the Asian lad.


It seems ironic from the Asians perspective that the garment should be removed because it's an insult. If a western woman visits certain arab states she is forced to cover up for modesty. I wish they'd make their minds up. Also ironic the Asian lad repeating the word "freedom" as though his freedoms should somehow been seen as more important..

I disagree with the Burka but if I removed it forcibly (which I wouldn't) from a wearer I'd probably be wearing a fatwa.

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Can i share your popcorn? It looks like this is going to get very silly very fast.


Plenty to go round as i buy in bulk in readiness for any thread that mentions Muslims/Islam/Burka or Immigration ,as you can always guarantee the Lefties will turn up to play the race card .

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