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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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You're not interested in listening to any logical argument apparently. I don't expect you to understand as you don't appear to be interested in doing so.


I suggest we just drop it. Our positions have been quite clearly stated.


Although I do wish you wouldn't apparently lie to support your position. France has no enforced republican secularity IN PUBLIC. Which is where the ban applies.


---------- Post added 30-10-2014 at 14:28 ----------



My wife forces me NOT to wear socks with sandals.


In order to stop my persecution we must make it illegal for EVERYONE to wear sandals without socks.

Then I will be free of the tyranny...

And the ones who didn't want to wear the socks. Well, collateral damage, but if we just say that we aren't oppressing them, and it is in fact a social norm that we are enforcing, well, then it'll all be okay, because their freedom to have cool feet doesn't really matter compared to my freedom from being forced to have cold feet!


I have a beard thats frowned upon as a female in society today ha ha ha lol. Just kidding tee hee hee. :P:)

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So what do you (and others, e.g. boyfriday)make of the Wiki-related evidence I posted in #100?


For reference:



Is it your position that the fact that many burka wearers are coerced into wearing it occurs just in France? :confused:


I don't know why you highlight me in your post L00b, I've not attempted to deny or defuse the discussion about women being coerced into wearing the burka, undoubtedly it happens.


However banning a mode of dress because of instances of coercion doesn't address the behaviours associated with that coercion, whilst it criminalises women who choose to wear the burka of their own free will.


If you want a discussion about the coercive influence some males seek to exert on their female relatives the burka is the wrong place to start, in my opinion.


---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 08:19 ----------


You can't please 100% of people 100% of the time, as you well know, and it is right that more consideration be given to the need of the many (-women coerced into wearing the burka) than to the wishes of the few (-women who want to wear it out of their own volition).
Do we know that's the case? What if it's the majority of burka wearing women that choose to wear it? Or they choose to wear it because their husbands approve of it? Does the latter represent coercion?


So how would you propose to stop this coercion?

I think the question should be is there evidence that banning the burka in France has improved the position of burka wearing women?
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People have been arrested, charged and found guilty of wearing items of clothing that some people find offensive, one man was arrested and and locked up because some people were offended when he didn't wear any cloths. The freedom you talk of would surely allow everyone to wear or not wear what they want regardless of how offensive other people find it.


Banning NOT wearing clothes is different to banning an item of clothing. But still wrong IMO, it's a symptom of lingering Victorian prudery.

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Its interesting that the only ones that appear to use free will are choosing to wear the burka because they don't want too integrate with a society they deem to be perverse.


..and that's absolutely their choice isn't it? When they start dictating what I choose to wear then they'll be greeted with some pretty harsh language.

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You're talking about extremes there aren't you?


There are places that people can walk about naked without indecently exposing themselves.


I think people should be able to wear what they want, when they want, unless their profession requires a uniform.


Same with things like tattoos and piercings. I think there should be no discrimination against people who choose to have them.


That doesn't mean that the bank should serve them though. The bank (as one example) has a legitimate need to establish identity, which is totally acceptable.


---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 08:25 ----------


It should be made law that no one can wear the burka in this Country. It's unacceptable garb.




Unacceptable to you. Try having a bit of empathy, or just imagining items you like to wear being banned... Go on, try it.

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Im wearing my Klu Klux Klan outfit to a party tonight. Is this bad taste?


I recently visited an exhibition in Preston celebrating Black History Week. The curator was a middle aged black guy who'd assembled artefacts mainly from American Black history, which included 'mother & child' KKK outfits, everyone was howling with laughter, black & white folks included. It's bad taste only if people don't get the joke ;)

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Banning NOT wearing clothes is different to banning an item of clothing. But still wrong IMO, it's a symptom of lingering Victorian prudery.


In what way, some people are take offense at seeing nakedness and some take offense at seeing some items of clothing, if one is banned because it offends then anything that offends should be banned, either ban everything that offends others or ban nothing.

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..and that's absolutely their choice isn't it? When they start dictating what I choose to wear then they'll be greeted with some pretty harsh language.


I will agree with you when everyone as the same choice to wear or not wear what they want and where they want to wear it.

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