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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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France has the highest percentage Muslim population in western Europe with 4.7 million Muslims which represent 7.5% of the population.


The UK has 2.8 million Muslims which represents 4.6% of the population.


Turkey has a population of 81.6 million people 98.6% of whom are Muslim.


France banned the burka in 2011 and had that decision upheld as not being against human rights by the European Court of Human Rights in 2014.


Turkey banned burkas and even headscarves 85 years ago under the rule of Kemal Ataturk, a Muslim who considered them backward looking.


The ban on headscarves was lifted in 2013 but it is not allowed for faces to be concealed.


Meanwhile, in Afghanistan under Taliban rule the burka was obligatory and disobedience was dealt with violently.


In my view an indication of the mindset of those Muslims who support the wearing of this incongruous garment.

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I think you should spend your time more constructively and improve you[r] grammar.


What are everybody else's thoughts?


Really ? You understood what they said. Why feel the need to be pedantic? Have you looked through all of [you’ re ] [Your] past posts? Honestly people, let the spelling / grammar go! We all understand what has been said. Move on and try win a debate with an answer rather than a cheap shot at spelling.


---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 23:32 ----------


Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?


Yes ... However If its ok for some it should be ok for all. I should be allowed to wear a balaclava anytime I like including going into a bank. If it is NO to a balaclava it must be NO to a burka!.

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But if government have no intentions of unbanning things the only way to make society fairer is to ban more things.


An approach that can only result in everything except the state approved item being banned. Rather fascist IMO.


---------- Post added 01-11-2014 at 00:05 ----------


In my view an indication of the mindset of those Muslims who support the wearing of this incongruous garment.


There's nothing any more incongruous about it than any other item of clothing. The fact that you personally dislike it isn't relevant.

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This is the problem.. My kids can’t go to school wearing a crash helmet, I can’t go into a bank wearing a crash helmet, Balaclava etc. So a burka is a NO NO. Not being a trouble maker but why come to the UK if you do not follow UK rules? Maybe someone can help me understand. Re: School rules , Social rules etc.?!?

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Your kids can go to school wearing a crash helmet. Although they'll look like idiots. It's certainly not illegal.

You can go into a bank wearing what you like, you might not get served.

A burkha is also fine if you wish to wear one, or if your kids do.


Can you point me to the rules about clothing?

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If I moved to china and I said NO I will not remove my shoes when entering a Chinese home or temple, That would be disrespectful. If I was not prepared to follow and respect I would not move and live in china. If you do not want to respect don’t move and stay at home. Simple!. You come to the UK forget the Burka. The UK has no Place for it. Don't like it, them move. The same as I can't have a mask, crash helmet etc. You know the saying : >> When in Rome, bla bla.

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So don't let people into your home wearing a burka. Duh.


Are you comparing "in public in the UK" to "in private in China"?


No read it again!


---------- Post added 01-11-2014 at 00:29 ----------


If I decide one day to move to another country. I would respect the laws of that country. If the school said to me, kids must wear a burka. And I said no, My kid is Scottish and will have a Scottish kilt. That would be silly. Surely if I move I need to be prepared to adhere to the rules and regulations and law of that country, NOT Fight against it.

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Then why so many School wont allow it? Do banks? ETC?


---------- Post added 01-11-2014 at 00:34 ----------


I cant see your face but that’s ok come on in to my bank. And if anything went wrong we have no idea who you are?! But that’s ok?

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