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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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Thats a no then is it? Sort of makes a mockery of your signature dont you think.

'Up the Roma' However you wont 'Put up the Roma'


Many people respect football teams including the likes of SU with terms such as "Up the blades". how many offers do they get of being "put up"? Mind you one is a convicted rapist.

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Have a gander at this:




The one camera for every 11 people is the same myth that once stated that a person in the UK is captured on CCTV 400 times in one day!


There are up to 5.9 million CCTV cameras in Britain, according to a report by The British Security Industry Association.



One surveillance camera for every 11 people in Britain, says CCTV survey


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Many people respect football teams including the likes of SU with terms such as "Up the blades". how many offers do they get of being "put up"? Mind you one is a convicted rapist.


Ok, if you think thats the same thing then im happy for you :)

Meanwhile, here on planet earth....

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The point in law is that a inspector has to impose the order, this power is then passed down to his bobbies and can be in place for 24 hours.

A bobby can only use that section if it has been granted by the inspector of that ' local' area and only for 24 hours.

This is used mainly in public order situations. A bobby would not be questioning a Muslim woman in this situation and if there was a reason to, a female officer would do so, out of public view bearing in mind a public order situation has grown to such proportions that the power has been put in place. This means major, or the threat of major public disorder.

It is not used in every day policing applications.

That is the only lawful application of ordering members of public to remove items of concealment which may conceal their identity.

So to summarise:

Major disorder

As instructed by an inspector

In a local area

24 hours


As for satisfying any complaint if the inspector has deemed it fit to issue the order he will have done so following certain protocols which include his ( magic word alert) justification therefore the reasonable belief is covered in that order.


Fair enough but doesn't really deal with my objection to the burka being allowed to be worn in public.


My point is quite straight forward, and in my opinion perfectly reasonable.


All the citizens of a country should be treat in a fair and equal fashion, in the case of the burka an allowance is being made for a specific group of people.


This allowance is being made despite there being no requirement for it in the Quran.


Therefore, what it amounts to is a personal preference - I suspect mainly by men - to make women conform in a way that takes away their individuality and prevents them having normal relations with other people.


The argument that it's OK because everyone could wear one if they wanted is fallacious.


Anyone with the slightest understanding of how the State operates in this country would accept that should that (highly unlikely) scenario occur it would be made illegal with virtual immediate effect.


To ignore or deny that is quite simply ridiculous and makes the person advancing that argument look foolish.


Did you check on the CCTV statistics? If so you will see one of the reasons why it wouldn't be acceptable to the authorities.

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Therefore, what it amounts to is a personal preference -



A personal preference we can all exercise because we could all wear a burka if we wanted to, and be protected by the law from the gobfrothing Muslims (or anyone else) who might take exception to it.


Tell me mjw, are you offended by the women of the Plymouth Brethren who wear A line skirts, no make up and have their heads covered? Are they subjugated by men or exercising a personal preference?

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A personal preference we can all exercise because we could all wear a burka if we wanted to, and be protected by the law from the gobfrothing Muslims (or anyone else) who might take exception to it.


Tell me mjw, are you offended by the women of the Plymouth Brethren who wear A line skirts, no make up and have their heads covered? Are they subjugated by men or exercising a personal preference?


Either you haven't read my previous posts, or your memory is terrible, or your comprehension level is on a par with Cyclone.


Did you not reply to a previous post of mine where I made the point that the only objection I have is the covering of the face?


I said that the Hijab, Sikh Turbans, Hasidic Jews hat's, and any other traditional religious clothing was fine, so yes, Plymouth Brethren, the Amish, come one, and come all.


Just don't come with your face concealed understand? That's my only objection.


Did I not also mention that I was taught by Nuns?


And no, as I've explained ad bloody nauseam we could not all wear a burka or any other face covering garment for that matter.


Read post 356 page 18 and you'll have one of the reasons why.

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Either you haven't read my previous posts, or your memory is terrible, or your comprehension level is on a par with Cyclone.


Did you not reply to a previous post of mine where I made the point that the only objection I have is the covering of the face?


So you don't have any observations about the possible use of this garment for the subjugation of women?


Therefore, what it amounts to is a personal preference - I suspect mainly by men - to make women conform in a way that takes away their individuality and prevents them having normal relations with other people.

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Either you haven't read my previous posts, or your memory is terrible, or your comprehension level is on a par with Cyclone.


Did you not reply to a previous post of mine where I made the point that the only objection I have is the covering of the face?


I said that the Hijab, Sikh Turbans, Hasidic Jews hat's, and any other traditional religious clothing was fine, so yes, Plymouth Brethren, the Amish, come one, and come all.


Just don't come with your face concealed understand? That's my only objection.


Did I not also mention that I was taught by Nuns?


And no, as I've explained ad bloody nauseam we could not all wear a burka or any other face covering garment for that matter.


Read post 356 page 18 and you'll have one of the reasons why.


You are banging your head against a brick wall and it must be starting top hurt. ;)

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Just don't come with your face concealed understand? That's my only objection.


..and my point is why is it any of your business? If you don't wish to engage with burka clad women, you don't have to.


If you do I think it would be perfectly permissible, from your perspective to ask them to reveal their face in order to have a conversation, if they choose not to then it's their loss isn't it? ;)

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