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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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..and my point is why is it any of your business? If you don't wish to engage with burka clad women, you don't have to.


If you do I think it would be perfectly permissible, from your perspective to ask them to reveal their face in order to have a conversation, if they choose not to then it's their loss isn't it? ;)


The whole point of the burka is to make women invisible so that they don't have to interact with strangers.

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..and my point is why is it any of your business? If you don't wish to engage with burka clad women, you don't have to.


If you do I think it would be perfectly permissible, from your perspective to ask them to reveal their face in order to have a conversation, if they choose not to then it's their loss isn't it? ;)


It is my business for several reasons.


Firstly, I believe in equal treatment for all, can you understand that point?

The majority are being discriminated against, action would be taken if the majority tried to disguise themselves in public. To claim otherwise is idiotic.


Secondly, I have an extremely strong suspicion that at least some, if not all, of the women wearing this atrociously alien garment are doing so against their personal choice and at the command of controlling misogynists.


That control may be by means of physical threats, indoctrination from childhood, or group peer pressure but I doubt that many of them enjoy being cut off from normal day to day human interaction.


Thirdly, the wearing of such a garment is completely alien to the culture of this country, immigrants should look to become part of a country where they have chosen to live and they should respect the customs of that country without giving up their religion or personal private customs in terms of food etc.


However, when mixing with the general public an effort should be made by them to at least act in a friendly manner, you can't be friendly from behind a mask.


---------- Post added 04-11-2014 at 22:02 ----------


"..is not good" Comprende? :hihi:


Congratulations, a nit picking pedant that has an understanding of logic that could be bettered by a squirrel. :)

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It is my business for several reasons.


Firstly, I believe in equal treatment for all, can you understand that point?

The majority are being discriminated against, action would be taken if the majority tried to disguise themselves in public. To claim otherwise is idiotic.

You can wear a burka if you want to..what's your point?

Secondly, I have an extremely strong suspicion that at least some, if not all, of the women wearing this atrociously alien garment are doing so against their personal choice and at the command of controlling misogynists.

Refer to my earlier point which you denounced..so what's your view of the 'uniform' worn by female members of the Plymouth Brethren and many other religious groups who believe in female modesty?

That control may be by means of physical threats, indoctrination from childhood, or group peer pressure but I doubt that many of them enjoy being cut off from normal day to day human interaction.

Whether they do or don't, criminalising women who wear the burka won't do one iota to addressing the behaviour of bullying men.

Thirdly, the wearing of such a garment is completely alien to the culture of this country, immigrants should look to become part of a country where they have chosen to live and they should respect the customs of that country without giving up their religion or personal private customs in terms of food etc.

Have you seen the extreme diversity of apparel worn by the natives?

However, when mixing with the general public an effort should be made by them to at least act in a friendly manner, you can't be friendly from behind a mask.

That's a matter of personal choice and hardly a universal feature of non Muslims, there's no requirement to be friendly to anybody and I don't believe burka wearers are any more or less likely to be than anyone else...ask one of your Muslim friends.
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Whether they do or don't, criminalising women who wear the burka won't do one iota to addressing the behaviour of bullying men.
Won't it? You don't think they're going to get tired of either paying the fines, doing the time, or doing all the shopping and other public environment tasks at some stage? :P
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Won't it? You don't think they're going to get tired of either paying the fines, doing the time, or doing all the shopping and other public environment tasks at some stage? :P


Actually I've a strong suspicion it's actually the blokes under those burkas in the first place, their women are sat at home watching the racing and sucking on Woodbines :hihi:

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You can wear a burka if you want to..what's your point?

Refer to my earlier point which you denounced..so what's your view of the 'uniform' worn by female members of the Plymouth Brethren and many other religious groups who believe in female modesty?

Whether they do or don't, criminalising women who wear the burka won't do one iota to addressing the behaviour of bullying men.

Have you seen the extreme diversity of apparel worn by the natives?

That's a matter of personal choice and hardly a universal feature of non Muslims, there's no requirement to be friendly to anybody and I don't believe burka wearers are any more or less likely to be than anyone else...ask one of your Muslim friends.


Are you really that obtuse? How many times do you have to have it explained?


The myth that everyone could wear a burka is ridiculous. If everyone began covering their face it would be banned, it would be classed as obstructing the police in the execution of their duties, and that would be correct.


Anyone is entitled to wear what they want within reason, concealing the face is not 'within reason', it dehumanizes the person behind the mask, no friendliness can be exchanged, no acknowledgment that a fellow human being is present can be shown, it is alienating.


You say there is no requirement to be friendly to anyone, no there isn't, but once again, that should be down to personal choice.


The choice of these women has been effectively removed hasn't it?


As for my Muslim friends, those that I have discussed it with think burkas should be banned, they believe that in the most part the women are given no choice and that it reflects badly on the whole Muslim community as certain people 'tar them all with the same brush'.

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How many times do you have to have it explained?


The myth that everyone could wear a burka is ridiculous. If everyone began covering their face it would be banned, it would be classed as obstructing the police in the execution of their duties, and that would be correct.


Incorrect. If everyone decided to wear a particular garment and the government intervened with laws opposing it, that particular government wouldn't be in power for long. The will of 70 million as opposed to government?


If you want to create a petition which makes it illegal for a parent to allow his/her 5 yr old child to wear clothing that promotes the sexualisation of infants..I'll sign it.


Start an anti "Burka" petition, if you feel that hot under the collar..

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